White House “We The People Petition” Created to Protect U.S. Border and Keeps TARS Air Defense. The petition asks Obama to Keep the Tethered Aerostat Radar System Operational in order to help secure the Southern Border of the United States. I don’t know who started this petition but it seems like a good idea to bring awareness, even if Obama probably doesn’t give a darn about these White House petitions and probably puts your name on a list of people who do not support him. I am already on his black list though I am sure so I do not care if he sees me sign the petition, and it looks good/gets more attention in the media to have alot of people sign the petition.
Don't know what this petition is about?
Read more info HERE about Obama Closing Air Defense System on U.S./Mexico Border: Texas & America Vulnerable to Attack from Low Altitude Missiles and Aircraft
we petition the obama administration to:
Keep the Tethered Aerostat Radar System Operational in order to help secure the Southern Border of the United States.
Created: Jan 19, 2013
Issues: Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement, Defense, Homeland Security and Disaster Relief
I just don't get it. I have posted no less than 200 times everywhere NOT to make petitions on the White House website. They are completely useless. The President won't impeach himself and he won't reverse his actions from a petition. You have to petition Congress at www.petition2congress.com. Go to the directory and write a note to YOUR republican Senator in your state. For good measure, send a copy to Steve Stockman in TX and Rand Paul. It works.
ReplyDeleteCorrection. A note to your Republican Congressperson in your state.
Deleteshit californa is so exposed right now, this shit is getting bad,im actually scared about this shit az is fucked same with texas florida was already fucked