Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Help Dad Fight to Protect his Son! Donate If you Can!

Help Dad Fight for his Son

It is a shame that in Texas, good fathers have to fight to stay in the lives of their children!

Hey I'm David Bellow and I need help to protect and fight for my son Michael. We have been through hell and abuse but they haven't been able to take my son from me yet! Attorneys are not cheap  but are needed for little Michael to have someone to fight to stop people who keep trying to take this little boy away from me, his father. I found an attorney willing to work with me for a good rate so funds will go to Attorney Jonathan Stovall.

Over the years, I have had to save little Michael from being alone and crying in cars in parking lots, to fighting to get me and my son out of physically abusive situations. Apparently when it is a man getting abused it is not taken seriously. After 2 years of battling for full custody, I offered a truce. Instead of me going to trial to get full custody, I offered 50/50 custody to move on and let Michael's life get settled. The final custody agreement was made. I was broke and bankrupt but I fought and won for my son. 

Not a month after the signing of the custody agreement, My ex filed for custody modification and has been trying to keep fighting me to take away my son. I am an outstanding father who goes above and beyond raising my son. My son is very happy with me and he screams and cries anytime I am not there or have to leave. It is very traumatizing for him and he needs some stability in his life and he needs a father. I sold my house and went bankrupt fighting for my son and now I need to raise money to keep fighting for him. 

Most recently, a temporary protective order was issued against the boyfriend of my son's mother due to my son claiming that the man did some bad things to him. When the police started investigation, my son's mother took my son and kept him from me so that the police could not investigate. I had to go to court and get my son back. 

Please if you can give anything do so and I can pay for the attorney representation needed for me to fight for and protect my son.

Thank you!

Little Michael Crying leaving his daddy

Little Michael always happy with his daddy

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Baseless Indictment tossed - Corrupt Jefferson County D.A. Scrambles to re-indict Whistle Blower David Bellow

The Jefferson County DA had to abandon their original indictment of David Bellow due to the indictment pending being Quashed and dismissed.

This confirms that the original charges were botched, completely baseless, and nothing but a political attack in retaliation for David Bellow being a whistle blower against Jefferson County DA employees over a year ago.

Not willing to admit that they have botched this case from the beginning, the D.A. has redone the original indictment and sent it out to the media as if it was a new charge. It is simply the old charge repackaged in order to try to patch up their completely botched and baseless charges against David Bellow.

The best is yet to come. Soon, David Bellow will be completely vindicated of this malicious prosecution, and the investigation into the Jefferson County DA by the State of Texas will be revealed with details of the illegal activity within the DA's office. Months before David Bellow was ever indicted, David had been the whistle blower into the State investigation of Jefferson County D.A. employees. The DA then retaliated against David Bellow and will have to answer for his actions.