HB 803 will Help Bring more Equal Pay for Women with Equal Parenting, say Women Experts on CNBC
Simply put, a vote against Texas House Bill 803 is a vote against Women’s Equality
Unequal Parenting is a root of the pay gap between men and women because when parents split and both parents have to work, the mom gets stuck with lesser paying jobs because the courts tell mothers that they should be the parent who takes on all the responsibility of raising the child while also working. There cannot be true equality between men and women until the laws make equality in parenting.
40m · by Emma Johnson
Equal shared parenting on CNBC with the indelible Sharon Epperson #EqualPayDay:
"While full-time working women lag behind men in pay, making 82 cents for every $1 a man makes, mothers are even further behind. Moms earn 75 cents for every dollar paid to fathers and single mothers bring in 54 cents for every dollar earned by married men, according to the National Women’s Law Center.
"A recent survey shows custody arrangements have a bearing on what single mothers earn. Those with a 50/50 parenting schedule are 54% more likely to earn at least $100,000 a year than those whose kids are with them most of the time, according to the Single Mom Income and Time-Sharing Survey. It polled 2,270 single mothers in the U.S. during the summer of 2020.
'There is a lot of pressure on moms to be the primary parent,' said the survey’s author, Emma Johnson, founder of Wealthy Single Mommy, a website dedicated to single mothers. 'That is our culture.'"
Read the full article here on CNBC: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/24/equal-pay-day-single-moms-have-biggest-pay-gap.html?fbclid=IwAR0FsKBLyzSxXiPR-PJ-zTFqvmwNmgxg102odn8aQXz7PA0syMSGZbJQUIg
Lobbyist Attorney admits they Push all Child Raising onto the Woman
The only opposition to the massively popular and bipartisan movement for Equal Parenting is a paid lobbyist attorney. At the 2021 Organizational Meeting of the Texas House JJFI Committee, a Lobbyists with the Texas Family Law Foundation admitted to persuading men who want equal parenting in mediation that they don’t really want equal parenting because then they have to do things like take the kid to school and back. Well someone has to do it and if this lobbyist says men shouldn’t do then he must think that women, who also have jobs after a breakup and make up 47% of the workforce, should have to work full time and then also be the only one with responsibility of raising the child? This is a blatant sexism and we wonder why women don’t have the equal opportunity to have a career after a breakup because Texas Family Courts are setting them up for failure with old outdated laws. This is why HB 803 Texas Equal Parenting law is so vital. It starts both fit, good parents off on equal ground with equal parenting going into court. Kids Win with both parents in their lives, and Women get more equality! More info: EqualJusticeTaskForce.com