Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Donna Garner Endorses Barry Smitherman, Says Ken Paxton Never Publicly Helped Conservatives on SBOE and he Supported Moderates

also read this Statement from Barry Smitherman: Barry Smitherman takes Strong Stand against Common Core and CSCOPE as Attorney General

Donna Garner is one of the foremost education experts in Texas. She has been fighting against liberalism in our Texas Public education since probably before I was born. Every elected official in Texas and anyone in the Texas education world knows Donna Garner. She fought for conservative State Board of Education Members when they were attacked. She fought against Common Core and CSCOPE.

Donna Garner has endorsed Barry Smitherman for Texas Attorney General. Donna Garner sent out an email yesterday explaining in detail why she supports Barry Smitherman over Ken Paxton. Basically, the summary of what Donna Garner says is that she has been intricately involved in Texas Education and not once in the past decade has Paxton testified for or promoted any of the important conservative issues facing Texas education. Even when the conservative State Board of Education members were vilified by the media for standing for conservative values, Paxton was nowhere to be found and offered no help to the conservative SBOE members who were facing challengers in their elections. in fact, Paxton admitted to Donna Garner that he was supporting a moderate to the SBOE because she had given him large campaign donations.

Donna goes on to say that Paxton did finally do something this past session by co-authoring a bill against CSCOPE, but then a recent recording surfaced of Ken Paxton stating that as Texas Attorney General he will probably not get involved in Common Core or CSCOPE.... that lackadaisical attitude towards defending Texas from Common Core is not something she wants to see from a possible future Texas AG.

Donna Garner then goes on to explain what she supports Smitherman, who has clearly claimed that as Texas Attorney General he will fight Common Core from coming into Texas.

Below are a few paragraphs from Donna Garners Full article which can be found here:


Then there is Ken Paxton.  I actually endorsed Ken for the TAG early-on when called by his campaign staffer.  At that time I knew many negatives about Dan Branch but almost nothing personal about Barry Smitherman, the Texas Railroad Commissioner.

I knew that Ken was a pro-life, pro-family-values conservative; and I had worked hard along with many other conservatives leading up to the 82nd Legislative Session to help him to become the Speaker of the House instead of Joe Straus. Unfortunately, Ken took his name out of consideration at the very last minute, leaving us without a conservative champion to support.

I decided to endorse Ken for the TAG but in doing so I had to overlook the personal conversation in which I learned that he supported a moderate for the Texas State Board of Education simply because she had given his campaign large donations.

I also had to swallow my deep emotions over the fact that Ken along with the other Texas Legislators had passed HB 5 and HB 866 which basically gut the authentic education reform that we conservatives had fought for 15 years to establish in Texas.

As Ken came out yesterday with strong statements about what a stalwart he has been on education issues, I have done some reflecting on my own.  During the years 2005 – 2012 in which the Texas State Board of Education conservatives were fighting against all odds to adopt Type #1 curriculum standards (TEKS) for English/Language Arts/Reading, Science, Social Studies, and Math, I do not think I can remember a single time when Ken Paxton’s name was mentioned.  I cannot remember that he ever testified, wrote a public statement, came out with editorials in support of the SBOE’s efforts to put Texas on the path to authentic education reform with the 4 x 4 graduation requirements and Type #1 STAAR/EOC’s.  Nor can I remember his authoring or helping to pass legislation to try to rescue the SBOE conservatives from vilification by the media, Democrats, and the RINO’s.  In fact, so far as I can remember, Ken was nowhere around when the SBOE needed  his public  support during those very difficult years. 

It Ken was concerned enough to co-author HB 462 that supposedly banned Common Core Standards in Texas, how could he possibly have muddled his answer so badly on Nov. 18, 2013, when the question was asked him regarding Common Core Standards during the TAG campaign event?  (Please listen to either of the audio clip attachments.)  I do not think that Ken’s lackadaisical answer sounds like the type of response that the committed and impassioned people who signed his endorsement letter yesterday would have said. I believe that if any of them had been asked the same question Ken was asked about Common Core Standards, these people would have answered back with a diatribe of all that is wrong with CCSI. 

I have it on record that when Barbara Cargill was contacted by Ken’s campaign on 11.22.13 after my article had surfaced, she was driving home from an arduous four-day Texas State Board of Education meeting in Austin.  Barbara had not read my article at that time because she had been so inundated with chairing the SBOE sessions. I know that she and Ken have been friends for some time and that she had no idea what came out of his own mouth on Nov. 18, 2013, when asked about his position on Common Core Standards/CSCOPE if elected TAG. Whether that would have changed her endorsement of him, I cannot say.


In contrast to Ken’s weak answer on the Common Core/CSCOPE, how did Barry Smitherman answer questions about education issues and the positions he would take as the TAG? 

We have at least three strong indications:  (Exhibit A) Barry’s response to the article on global warming, (Exhibit B) his strong statement issued  on 11.23.13 about Texas HB 462/state sovereignty, and (Exhibit C) the letter he sent to his own daughter’s teacher regarding the Southern Poverty Law Center and its liberal-left dogma that had been inserted into his daughter’s curriculum lesson on “To Kill a Mockingbird.” 

Exhibit A

11.18.13  -- “TX RR Comm. Barry Smitherman Responds to Common Core Global Warming” --

Exhibit B

Exhibit C

9.30.13 – “Letter to Daughter’s Teacher: Intolerance in American Study” --  -- (This article contains Barry Smitherman’s letter to his daughter’s teacher in which Smitherman explains his concerns over a worksheet provided by the Southern Poverty Law Center when the class was studying To Kill a Mockingbird.  The SPLC is the organization that continues to label tea party patriots, constitutionalists, Family Research Council, Texas Eagle Forum, Concerned Women for America, and many others as either a "hate" group or "right wing extremists.” Barry Smitherman makes it very clear that the SPLC worksheet has no place in Texas schools.


Ken Paxton is a fine Christian fellow; and I applaud him and the other Legislators who fought for pro-life bills in the Legislature. However, Barry Smitherman is a strong conservative Christian also.  People who know him and his family well and who are respected conservatives themselves have testified to this. 

9.30.13 – “Texas Right To Life Endorses Barry Smitherman for Texas Attorney General” -- – contains this quote from Smitherman – “I always have and always will stand shoulder to shoulder with Texas Right to Life promoting Pro-Life policies; and as Attorney General, I will defend good Pro-Life pieces of legislation like HB-2 that are constantly under assault from radical pro-choice organizations.”


Therefore, we have to consider the skill sets that are necessary for the Texas Attorney General’s office which is very different from a state legislator’s skill sets.  Even though Ken Paxton has made a good Texas Legislator, he may not have the natural leadership skills and background expertise to be the TAG.  As someone recently stated succinctly, this is the choice we have: 

Ken Paxton – probate lawyer; estate planning; real estate; corporate transactions; 2003 to current, Texas Legislator


Barry Smitherman – former Harris County prosecutor (Assistant District Attorney), service on the Public Utilities Commission (PUCT) where he also served as Chairman, heading up two large state agencies (2004 – present) plus 17 years in the private sector working in public finance, has sued the EPA 7 times to protect Texas oil and gas. 

Quote from David Bellow:

As head of the Texas Public Utilities Commission, Smitherman sued Obama's EPA 5 times. Then, as the statewide, elected Chairman of the Texas Railroad Commission, Smitherman sued Obama's EPA 2 more times. Suing Obama 7 times is a huge statement and one that clearly shows that Smitherman is already ready to step into the position of Texas Attorney General and keep on suing Obama. (11.11.13)
Quote from David Bellow: 

As Chairman of Texas Public Utilities and the Railroad Commission, Barry Smitherman spent DOUBLE DIGIT percentages UNDER BUDGET and gave over 130 million dollars back to the State of Texas. (9.28.13 – )


The usual talking points against Barry Smitherman are (#1) he has no voting record, and (#2) he supposedly brought Smart Meters into Texas.

On point (#1), what about our Texas Hero Ted Cruz?  He had no voting record, but we all know his strength of commitment which he carried right into the Senate and The Beltway.   

On Point (#2), if voting records are so important, then what about the voting records of Ken Paxton and Dan Branch? 

As best I can document, way back on 4.13.05, Dan Branch and Ken Paxton both voted for HB 2129 (79th Legislative Session – R). This bill set up the original legislation for Smart Meters (i.e., the deployment of advanced electricity meters…advanced metering and metering information networks) – Section 7(b)(h); Section 8(b) --

Dan Branch co-authored Smart Meters legislation. Paxton actually voted twice for the implementation of Smart Meters and directed the Public Utilities Commission to allow the utilities to charge a fee for installation.  Paxton also supported a provision that required the PUC to report to the Legislature on the utilities progress in installing Smart Meters.

If both Dan Branch and Ken Paxton felt the Smart Meters were such an important issue, why did neither of them address it during the 83rd Legislative Session?

To be honest, if the Texas Legislature had not passed the Smart Meters bills in the first place, we would not have them in our state. The PUC agency did not step outside its boundaries and make law; the PUC’s job is to implement whatever the Legislature passes. In fact, if Smitherman as chair of the PUC had “made” the Smart Meters laws, he most certainly would not have been re-appointed by the Texas Senate in 2007 and reconfirmed in 2009. That is the checks and balances process on the PUC by the TX Senate, and Ken Paxton was in the Senate when Smitherman was confirmed.

Now to be fair to all three men (Smitherman, Paxton, and Branch), back when Smart Meters were first introduced, the public did not widely know of any potential health hazards; and we did not know that Obama would be able to usurp state sovereignty and take complete control of our country. We did not have to fear the federal government as we now do under Obama. 

In fact, on June 27, 2012, Barry Smitherman shared his vision about the future of energy and electric cars [This piece was actually taped in 2009; the SwitchEnergyProject, begun in 2009, is under the Bureau of Economic Geology at the University of Texas/State of Texas and took three years to produce --].  Smitherman said he felt that gasoline-powered cars would prevail until at least 2050 but that people who chose to purchase electric cars could use their Smart Meters to save them money by figuring out what hours were the least expensive to charge the batteries on their cars

Unfortunately, because of the newly released information about the NSA data collection, the IRS targeting of conservatives, and the total takeover by the federal government of our healthcare system through ObamaCare and our public school education system through ObamaCore, Americans now understand that Smart Meters could be used by the Obama administration to control our personal lives.  

*To clarify yet one more myth about Smitherman, he has told me that the only time he visited the White House was under President G. W. Bush and that Smitherman has never even met with Obama. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Texas Lieutenant Governor Candidate Dan Patrick Rated MOST CONSERVATIVE State Senator by Rice University's Mark P Jones

No Surprise here. State Senator Dan Patrick, candidate for Texas Lieutenant Governor, has been rated as the MOST conservative State Senator in all of Texas for the most recent 2013 legislative session.

Dan Patrick is vying in the March 2014 Republican Primary election to be the leader of the Texas State Senate, the LT Governor. In Texas, if you are going to run for statewide office, you have to at least be able to present yourself as super conservative. Dan Patrick does not have to just present himself as the most conservative in the Texas Senate. He IS the most conservative, at least that is according to Rice University's Mark P. Jones in his most recent ranking of Texas State Senators from the 2013 Texas Legislative Session.

Why are the conservative rankings of Mark P. Jones so important? Mark P. Jones does the most comprehensive, non partisan conservative/liberal ranking in all of Texas. His Lib-Con scores are based off of EVERY single vote and it shows the voting differences between candidates from the most liberal to the most conservative.

This ranking system is very different from other ranking systems like Empower Texans or Texas Eagle Forum or Texas Right to Life. Those ranking systems are GREAT if you are looking for rankings of candidates based off of specific issues and votes dealing with fiscal conservatism, social issues, or pro life issues. These are all very important ranking systems and Dan Patrick is very high, if not at the very top, in all of them. These other rankings do not cover every single vote or issue though. That is where Mark P. Jones is so valuable. His rankings allow people to see the entire overview of how every legislator compares with each other when it comes to every vote taken.

Again, this is no surprise to me. I already know how conservative Dan Patrick is. Now, even the top non partisan, most comprehensive, non issue, scientifically based ranking makes it clear that Dan Patrick is the top conservative leader.

The following graph is from Mark P. Jones and it shows Dan Patrick at the top of the chart as the most conservative Texas State Senator for the 2013 Texas Legislative Session:

Shout out to my State Senator Robert Nichols for 6th Most Conservative in Texas Senate Ranking

The Mark P Jones Liberal-Conservative ratings for the 2013 Texas Legislative Session are out. This study is the most comprehensive ranking of Texas Legislators and covers ALL floor votes taken. My State Senator Robert Nichols was ranked as the 6th most conservative Member of the Texas State Senate. Great Job! Click on Mark P Jones graph below to enlarge.

Barry Smitherman takes STRONG Stand Against Common Core and CSCOPE - Texas Attorney General Race Update

Also see: Texas Conservative Education Hero Donna Garner Endorses Barry Smitherman, Says Ken Paxton Never Publicly Helped Conservatives on SBOE and he Supported Moderates

Texas Attorney General Candidate Barry Smitherman has taken a STRONG stand against CSCOPE and Common Core and Smitherman has vowed to fight it tooth and nail as Texas Attorney General.

Statement from Barry Smitherman regarding Defending Texas from Obama’s Common Core

“As the chief law enforcement officer for the State of Texas, the Attorney General must ensure that the laws of Texas are obeyed and enforced.  
When the Texas legislature passes a bill, in this case HB 462, which forbids Common Core Standards in Texas Schools, then the Attorney General should ensure that Common Core Standards are not utilized by Texas schools.  
We cannot let the enticement of federal dollars cause our school districts to ignore state law.  I have personally reviewed CSCOPE curricula which is extremely biased against fossil fuels; describing, for example, only the “harmful effects” of oil, natural gas, and coal.  The State of Texas is the leading provider of fossil fuels in America, driving our economy forward, lowering energy costs, and eliminating our country’s dependence on fuel from countries that are hostile to America and her ideals.

I have stood strong for Texans by suing the Obama EPA 7 times to stop the implementation of poorly scienced, boneheaded environmental regulations. I will continue to fight for all Texans against an ever encroaching federal government, and as the next Attorney General, I will vigorously defend all of the laws of the state of Texas.” Barry Smitherman

Candidate Ken Paxton, on the other hand, has stated that he does not plan to fight Common Core or CSCOPE as Texas Attorney General

Attorney General Candidate Ken Paxton was asked recently how he, as the Texas Attorney General, would approach Common Core Standards and CSCOPE. Shockingly, Ken Paxton was caught on a recordingresponding, “the Attorney General probably won’t get involved in that.”

This is absurd! Texans have been fighting tooth and nail to stop CSCOPE and Common Core from getting into our public schools, and Ken Paxton, in his own words, says he probably won’t get involved in defending Texas law that bans common core?

Shock Recording: Ken Paxton NOT interested in Stopping Common Core or CSCOPE as Texas Attorney General

Texas Law bans Common Core in Texas Public Schools. The Texas Attorney General plays a very crucial role in defending Texas from Obama’s attempts to break Texas law by getting Common Core into our schools. Attorney General Candidate Ken Paxton was asked recently how he, as the Texas Attorney General, would approach Common Core Standards and CSCOPE. Shockingly, Ken Paxton was caught on a recording responding, “the Attorney General probably won’t get involved in that.”

This is absurd! Texans have been fighting tooth and nail to stop CSCOPE and Common Core from getting into our public schools, and Ken Paxton, in his own words, says he probably won’t get involved in defending Texas law that bans common core?

In comparison, Texas Attorney General Candidate Barry Smitherman has taken a STRONG stand against CSCOPE and Common Core and Smitherman has vowed to fight it tooth and nail as Texas Attorney General. See statement from Barry Smitherman below.

The rest of the article below is a more in depth information from Alice Linahan originally posted at Voices Empower:

Last session, the Texas Legislature passed HB 462 which bans Common Core in our Texas public schools.  The U. S. Dept. of Ed. under Obama has created a work-around in which Race to the Top funds are sent directly to Texas public school districts.  RTTT-D demands that schools implement the Common Core Standards Initiative. Last year Harmony and Idea Charters received the RTTT-D1 funds, and this year Houston ISD and Pasadena ISD are in the running for the RTTT-D2 funds. This puts these schools directly in opposition to Texas law under HB 462. 

Barry Smitherman has issued a strong commitment to uphold Texas laws, including HB 462: 
“As the chief law enforcement officer for the State of Texas, the Attorney General must ensure that the laws of Texas are obeyed and enforced.  
When the Texas legislature passes a bill, in this case HB 462, which forbids Common Core Standards in Texas Schools, then the Attorney General should ensure that Common Core Standards are not utilized by Texas schools.  
We cannot let the enticement of federal dollars cause our school districts to ignore state law.  I have personally reviewed CSCOPE curricula which is extremely biased against fossil fuels; describing, for example, only the “harmful effects” of oil, natural gas, and coal.  The State of Texas is the leading provider of fossil fuels in America, driving our economy forward, lowering energy costs, and eliminating our country’s dependence on fuel from countries that are hostile to America and her ideals.
I have stood strong for Texans by suing the Obama EPA 7 times to stop the implementation of poorly scienced, boneheaded environmental regulations. I will continue to fight for all Texans against an ever encroaching federal government, and as the next Attorney General, I will vigorously defend all of the laws of the state of Texas.” Barry Smitherman

 In Contrast AG candidate Ken Paxton states….

At a Q&A session Texas Attorney General candidate Ken Paxton was asked about how he would approach Common Core Standards and CSCOPE. 

“That’s more of a legislative function…The Attorney General probably won’t get too involved in that.”

Here is the recording of Ken Paxton saying this:

Then Paxton referenced “lawsuits” as a reason he would avoid taking action on Common Core Standards/CSCOPE issues.


On May 6, 2013, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott came to the assistance of Texas parents by sending an official letter to TESCCC, the corporate owner of CSCOPE, in which Abbott reminded them of Section 26.006(a) in the Texas Education Code which gives parents the right to review all teaching materials, lessons, etc. that are utilized in their children’s classrooms.

As stated in the Dallas Morning News on 7.17.13, “Republican Attorney General Greg Abbott is a fierce critic of CSCOPE and has threatened to subpoena its records.”  –


Following is a statement sent to Texas public school personnel on 11.7.13 by Texas Commissioner of Education Michael Williams in which he explains the ramifications of HB 462 recently passed by the Texas Legislature:

As you consider funding opportunities, especially those offered by the United States Department of Education, I want to remind you of the provisions in a new law prohibiting the adoption or use of the Common Core State Standards.

The 83rd Texas Legislature passed House Bill 462 (HB 462), which contains several important prohibitions relating to curriculum standards. The bill:
1.     prohibits the State Board of Education (SBOE) from adopting Common Core State Standards;
2.     prohibits school districts from using Common Core State Standards to meet the requirements to provide instruction in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS);
3.     prohibits a school district or open enrollment charter school from being required to offer the Common Core; and
4.     prohibits the Texas Education Agency from adopting or developing assessments based on Common Core State Standards.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Barry Smitherman ONLY Texas AG Candidate w/ CHL - More Trusted on Gun Rights than Ken Paxton or Dan Branch

Barry Smitherman is the ONLY candidate in the Texas Attorney General race with a Concealed Handgun License (CHL). The fact that Barry Smitherman actually packs heat, on top of the fact that he got an A+ rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA), is why I believe that Barry Smitherman is clearly the best gun rights Texas AG candidate over Ken Paxton and Dan Branch. Anyone can talk a good talk about supporting gun rights, but Barry Smitherman actually practices his right to bear arms. Anyone can say they understand the importance of gun rights and anyone can say they defend the right to bear arms, but at the end of the day, if you have never even gotten a concealed handgun license then you DON'T really fully understand the importance and need to protect gun rights. If you did really understand the importance of guns and gun rights then you would ALREADY have a concealed gun license.

One of the biggest issues facing America right now is an unprecedented attack on the 2nd amendment rights of Americans. Obama and the Democrats are doing everything they can to strip away our gun rights in exchange for gun control. The Texas Attorney General will need to protect and defend the 2nd Amendment rights of Texas. The Texas Attorney General will need to protect and defend the gun rights laws that the State of Texas has passed. It is not a matter of if. It is a matter of when. So the question is, when the time comes for Obama and the Democrats come after our guns, who do you want "behind the barrel of the gun" firing back at the liberals? I want Barry Smitherman.

When it comes to voting for the person who I can trust most to understand and defend gun rights, I pick the guy who actually packs heat instead of the guys who talk about the right to pack heat but have never felt it to be important enough to actually pack heat.

Furthermore, the State of Texas is actually NOT even the most gun friendly state in America. Texas does not even allow any open carry handgun laws even though MANY states DO have open carry laws. These laws to allow open carry in Texas have been pushed in recent years, but the Senators and State Representatives have blocked the laws. I would be willing to bet that most of those legislators do not have a concealed handgun license and therefore do not really understand the importance of gun right. They certainly do not understand that open carry is no more dangerous or alarming than concealed carry. Just look at the other states with open carry rights, no one is getting into shootouts in the middle of the streets or anything and I would be willing to bet that a criminal who sees someone with a gun is less likely to commit a crime in the first place knowing for sure someone has a gun and will fire at them.

Because Texas has a long way to go to be even more of a gun rights state, it is imperative that the next Texas Attorney General be someone who goes above and beyond just supporting the current Texas gun rights laws. The next attorney General for Texas should be someone who will push for even more gun rights than what we currently have in Texas.

The list of Texas Concealed Handgun License holders is not a public list. So how do I know that Barry Smitherman is the only candidate with a concealed handgun license? It is simple. Barry Smitherman has talked about having a CHL in public with the other candidates around and the other candidates have not chimed in about them having a CHL. Furthermore, Barry Smitherman has actually come out and said that he believes he is the only candidate in the race with a CHL and neither Ken Paxton nor Dan Branch have disputed this statement from Smitherman. You don't allow someone to say they are the only candidate with a CHL unless they actually are the only candidate with a CHL.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Eden Pool and Spa Service in Conroe, TX is Example of Why Texas is #1 State for Business (again)

Texas is the #1 State for Business again because of low regulations and a business friendly environment. Eden Pro Services is a perfect example of why Texas is the best. They are one of the many new businesses in Texas at a time when many states are losing business. Lets examine what makes Texas so great and lets also have a small business spotlight.

Texas Small Business Spotlight: Eden Pro Services (Eden Pool Service) is a Conroe, TX Pool and Spa Cleaning, Maintenance and Repair company that serves a 100 mile radius in southeast Texas from Lumberton, Beaumont area to The Woodlands to College Station.

In a time when it is hard to find a job, it is even harder to start a company. There are so many taxes and regulations that many times the small, family owned businesses are forced to close because the bigger nationwide businesses are the only companies that can compete and afford to jump over the huge government created obstacles businesses face just to stay in business. Many individuals or families wanting to start a new company in America don't even try to start the company once the find out how hard it is. NOT IN TEXAS.

In Texas, it IS still possible to have a dream. It is still possible for any average person to come up with an idea and work hard to start a business of their own, be their own boss, and even grow the business into a statewide or even nationwide business.

That is what happened with Eden Pro Services and that is why the company is a perfect example for this article. Eden started with just a dream to create a family business to serve others. A few brothers and brother-in-laws got together and decided to make this dream happen. In a struggling economy with ever increasing regulations, that is a big risk. They took that risk and now Eden Pro Services is thriving and is growing fast. Eden was able to do this because Eden started in Texas. TEXAS IS A GREAT STATE FOR BUSINESS. Maybe not in other states, but in Texas, it is still true that if an average person has a dream and works hard then the sky is the limit.

But WHY is Texas so great?

Texas has a VERY business friendly government with limited regulations

The biggest reason that Texas is the number one state for business year after year is the fact that the Texas government intentionally keeps regulation low, while still looking out for the citizens and consumers. Texas does not want the government's laws and regulations to be an obstacle standing the the way of business growth in the State. New businesses and continued business growth are what generates money and employment for the state of Texas and the citizens of Texas. Why tax the people so much that it kills business? Instead it is better to allow businesses to thrive which in turn actually brings in more taxes in the long run. While other states have high unemployment and are raising taxes to keep their government afloat, Texas is much better off and businesses are flocking to the State in order to enjoy the lower regulations and less restrictions that were killing their businesses in other states.

Texas has MANY programs to help new businesses get started and be informed

A second big reason why Texas is the number one business state is due to the fact that we make it easy to get information and to understand the process of starting a new business in Texas. There are several government websites that provide Texas business start up information in an easy to understand format.

So why am I writing an article about a pool company and why do you care? I am writing about Eden Pro Services because this company helps prove my overall point about Texas. This new, family-owned company that went from a dream to a thriving business is an example of why Texas is such a great State for business. Eden is only one example though. There are many other great examples out there of Texans being able to achieve their business dream.

Texas was once again named the top state for business in the nation for 2013. this high achievement for the State of Texas is due to low regulations and a business friendly environment. Maybe when other states realize that the Texas model is the best way to go, they too will be able to see high job growth and new businesses like Texas has seen.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Obama's Arne Duncan slimes women in Common Core attack - Rep. Stockman Calls for Resignation

the following is a press release I got from Congressman Steve Stockman today:

Stockman asks Obama to fire Duncan over anti-women comments
Obama education secretary says critics are just suburban moms with dumb kids

WASHINGTON -- Congressman Steve Stockman Monday asked President Barack Obama to fire Education Secretary Arne Duncan after comments Friday in which Duncan dismissed opponents of Common Core as suburban moms with dumb kids.

“The Obama administration is now using ‘suburban mom’ as a dismissive slur and even attacking the children of political opponents,” said Stockman. “It’s typical of the Obama administration’s disrespectful treatment of women who express differing opinions. He even called moms and dads with families ‘fringe groups.’”

“If there is a ‘War on Women’ the Obama administration just launched a tactical strike,” said Stockman. “Obama should fire Duncan for saying some opponents of Common Core should be dismissed because of their race and gender.”

“It’s fascinating to me that some of the pushback is coming from, sort of, white suburban moms who — all of a sudden — their child isn’t as brilliant as they thought they were and their school isn’t quite as good as they thought they were, and that’s pretty scary,” Duncan said in a speech Friday in Richmond, Va., addressing the Council of Chief State Schools Officers Organization.

“Common Core is Obamacare for education. It’s a top-down, one-size-fits-all that brings all children down to a common level,” said Stockman. “Opposition comes from men and women of all races who don’t want their children trapped in Common Core’s failure factory.”

Duncan’s remarks were confirmed by Education Department Assistant Secretary for Communications and Outreach Massie Ritsch and reported Saturday by the Washington Post.

“Opposition to Common Core must be led by the states. Texas may not have officially taken Common Core standards, but they did work with the same groups in the writing of the TEKS. Texas needs to kill CScope and reject Race to the Top funding if we are to get Washington mediocrity out of our schools,” said Stockman.


UT Regent Wallace Hall Attacked for exposing Democrat Senator's unethical backdoor deals with University of Texas

It is almost unbelievable that something like this could happen in Texas. University of Texas Regent Wallace Hall was looking into corruption. He uncovered things like letters from Democrat State Senator Judith Zaffirini to Officials at UT trying to get friends of Zaffirini admitted to UT even though they were not qualified and had previously been rejected.

What reward does Hall get for his noble actions to uncover corruption, including financial scandals?

Mr Hall gets rewarded by having Liberal Texas Speaker Joe Straus side with Democrats like Zaffirini and now there is a Texas House investigation into Hall. I suppose I am not surprised that Straus is attacking a good guy who is uncovering corruption...

from Texas bureau:

AUSTIN — On Dec. 3, 2010, state Sen. Judith Zaffirini tried to use her clout withUniversity of Texas System Chancellor Francisco Cigarroa, writing a letter on behalf of an applicant to the University of Texas School of Law.
On Dec. 14, Cigarroa wrote back, assuring Zaffirini, “I will convey your strong recommendation to President Bill Powers” and “I can assure you that he will receive careful consideration.”
Regent Wallace Hall is facing impeachment for mentioning the existence of two letters like this one. At Hall’s show trial Tuesday before a select committee, his persecutors made it clear their strategy is to accuse him of a crime for sharing this information.
Yet, curiously, the letters themselves were hardly mentioned Tuesday. This is why.
The proper channel for recommendations is the Law School Admissions Council. Letters sent outside that channel are clearly meant to gain the applicant admission through influence rather than merit.
It isn’t hard to understand why Cigarroa didn’t correct or scold Zaffirini — university officials invest a lot in trying to keep Zaffirini and a handful of other lawmakers happy.
There are the flattering notes. “Somehow, a football game is dull without your presence in our suite so I get a little jealous when you are in WP’s suite,” Cigarroa emailed Zaffirini last year. WP refers to UT President William Powers.
Then there’s the money. The five luxury box tickets to all Longhorns home games, which the university system has provided since at least 2010 to Zaffirini, her husband, her son and two of their friends, are worth about $30,000 a year.
Then there are the admissions favors, and the question of how effective and commonplace are letters sent outside of the Admissions Council.
One of the accusations against Hall is that his large records requests have been too much of a burden for the university.
It turns out that Zaffirini, one of Hall’s accusers, is far from shy about imposing work on the public records staff at the university system.
On March 26, Zaffirini filed a massive request for “any and all data that relate in any way to the following categories,” naming Powers, Hall and some two dozen people, dating back two years. The system had to contract an outside company to fulfill the request.
She wrote Cigarroa to complain it was taking staff too long to fulfill her requests.
“Frankly, I don’t understand such delays and what always seems to be an over-abundance of concern about what might be confidential – when, of course, usually it is not,” she wrote.

read there rest of this great article with lots more information here at

Michael Quinn Sullivan Defends Dan Patrick Against False Attacks from Todd Staples

the following is a press release that I got today from Dan Patrick:

Contact:  Allen Blakemore
November 18, 2013

Todd Staples Levels Another False Charge Against Dan Patrick
Michael Quinn Sullivan speaks out on the latest attack from Todd Staples.

HOUSTON – Last week Todd Staples, struggling mightily to impugn the record of his authentic conservative opponent Dan Patrick, sent out a misleading press release focusing on Patrick’s rating by Texans for Fiscal Responsibility in 2007.  Michael Quinn Sullivan, the leader of Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, was quick to rebuke the fact-challenged claim.  In a statement, Mr. Sullivan said:

The fact of the matter is that in 2007 Sen. Patrick voted against the bloated budget and had the 4th-highest rating of all 31 senators on that inaugural Fiscal Responsibility Index.  Since then, Sen. Patrick has consistently ranked near or at the top of the Fiscal Responsibility Index and Texans for Fiscal Responsibility rankings.

By way of comparison, Mr. Staples’ legislative services pre-dates the Fiscal Responsibility Index, it should not be ignored that he voted for a 16% budget increase in 2001 and later – in 2006 – Staples voted to impose the gross receipts tax on Texas’ small businesses.

In Sen. Patrick, we look forward to having a lieutenant governor who has stood steadfast for commonsense budget and property tax reforms, while arguing consistently for making the state senate more transparent and responsive to the people of Texas.

“In debates and written statements, Todd Staples denies that he voted for in-state tuition, driver license’s, and free non-emergency healthcare for illegal immigrants,” said Allen Blakemore, campaign strategist for the Dan Patrick Campaign.  “His record is inescapable.  The Senate Journal shows he did vote for those bills in 2001 and 2003.” (see

“It is laughable to anyone who follows the Texas Senate for Todd Staples to suggest that Dan Patrick is not a conservative leader in that legislative body," added Blakemore.  “It’s another swing a miss for Mr. Staples.”


Allen E. Blakemore
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VA SUED FOR HARASSING CHRISTIAN CHAPLAINS - trying to make them renounce faith or get fired

Wow.... just wow..... There is a real war on Christianity. President Obama took this war to an entire new level when he came in to power. These absurd attacks on the 1st amendment rights of Christian soldiers are getting worse and worse.

from WND:

Military pastors ordered to stop quoting Bible, leave Jesus at home

Two military chaplains are suing Eric Shinseki, secretary of the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, or VA, for allegedly being harassed and drummed out of a training and placement program because of their Christian faith.

Chaplains Major Steven Firtko, U.S. Army (Retired) and Lieutenant Commander Dan Klender, U.S. Navy, claim they were mocked, scolded and threatened for their faith while enrolled in the San Diego VA-DOD Clinical Pastoral Education Center program, which trains and distributes chaplains to military and VA medical centers in the San Diego area.

According to their lawsuit, Firtko and Klender allege the Center’s supervisor, Ms. Nancy Dietsch, a VA employee, derided them in classrooms and even had one of them dismissed for failing to renounce his Christian beliefs.

Dietsch is also accused of allowing other students to deride Firtko and Klender, mocking them in front of the class and telling Firtko if he held to his beliefs on such things as evolution, salvation and homosexuality, he “did not belong in this program.” Eventually, the lawsuit states, she threatened to dismiss Firtko for refusing to recant his Christian doctrine and ordered he serve a six-week probation.

Read full WND Article here:

Texas A&M Law Professor Wants the 2nd Amendment REPEALED

Texas A&M University is a great school to go to, especially for conservatives. There are all kinds of conservative groups and it is consistently ranked as one of the most conservative Universities in America based on the large percentage of self identified conservatives in the student body population.

Just because Texas A&M is conservative does not mean that Texas A&M does not have some liberal nutjobs though. I remember there being some crazy left wing professors at Texas A&M when I went there.

We can add one more crazy liberal professor to the list.

Apparently, one of the law school professors wants to repeal the 2nd Amendment!

from Red Alert Politics:

A professor at a Texas law school believes she has the solution to gun violence, one that includes the complete repeal and replacement of the Second Amendment.
Texas A&M law professor Mary Margaret Penrose spoke on panel discussing gun control and the Second Amendment during a day-long symposium at the University of Connecticut’s School of Law. During the panel, the professor asked the audience — full of law students and attorneys — if they felt legislation to prevent gun tragedies was successful. As the room remained silent, Penrose then suggested it was time for some controversial changes to be made to the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

read the full story about this liberal professor here:

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Dan Patrick Fought to STOP Texas 20% Tuition Tax - Dewhurst's Chairman Killed Bill - Texas Lieutenant Governor Race Update

Dan Patrick is one of the few leaders in Texas to take a stand against the unbelievable Texas Tuition Set Aside, also known as the Texas Tax on College Student Tuition. That is right, in Texas of all places the State has a law that forces all college students to pay a MINIMUM 20% "tax" that is added to the college tuition that students pay. The tuition tax goes to pay for other people's college tuition. Even if the student is having to take out students loans to pay for their tuition, they still have to pay the tax which means they are taking out a loan to pay for another student's free tuition. UNBELIEVABLE! Texas students are being punished for taking a positive step forward and trying to get a college degree.

Texas State Senator Dan Patrick, who is running for Lieutenant Governor, is known to be a fighter for Texans and for Conservative Values. We all know the high profile issues that Patrick has stood up for like pro-life issues and gun rights issues. Most people have no idea though about the battle that Dan Patrick has fought to stop the Texas Tuition Tax. most people do not even know that there is a Texas Tuition Tax!

Texas Tuition Tax was Hidden. Dan Patrick Exposed it

The Texas Tuition Tax was a hidden tax. Students never had any idea that they were even being forced to pay it as part of their college tuition. When Dan Patrick got elected to the Texas Senate, he set out to go against the grain and expose and stop this tax. The first step in taking down the tax is to inform people about this outrageous tax. In 2009, Dan Patrick introduced and passed SB 1304 to force colleges to reveal to students that they were having a large portion of their tuition set aside to pay for other people's tuition. 

Dan Patrick's bill to STOP the Texas Tuition Tax was Killed in Dewhurst's Senate Committee

After exposing the tuition tax, Senator Patrick, along with Senator Birdwell, introduced SB 444 in 2011 to END the tuition tax. Patrick's bill never made it out of committee. Not only did many other Senators not support ending the Tax, but even the LT Governor David Dewhurst apparently did not care to end the tax because the bill never even made it out of committee. The Lieutenant Governor of Texas hand picks the chairmen of the Senate Committees. If the LT Governor wants a bill to be voted on by the Senate, the LT Governor can make sure the bill makes it out of committee for a full Senate vote.

I have always thought Dewhurst was a good guy. I believe that personally he is a conservative. We need a fighter though. This is exactly why I supported Ted Cruz for US Senate over Dewhurst. Ted Cruz boldly stands and fights for conservative values while Dewhurst, although he is conservative, does not stand up and fight like he should. I understand bi-partisanship, but many of his committee chairmen are some of the worst liberals in all of Texas. Many issues, like Patrick's Stop Texas Tuition Tax bill, are also left to die in Senate Committees without even being considered for a floor vote.

Thank You Senator Dan Patrick! I know that if you win the Texas Lieutenant Governor election in 2014 then you not hesitate to make sure conservative issues, like stopping the tuition tax, do not get killed in committee.

This Texas Tuition Tax is outrageous and conservatives in Texas need to spread the word about this tax and join in to help Dan Patrick in his efforts to stop it!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Barry Smitherman Sued Obama's EPA 7 times to Protect Texas Oil and Gas - Most Qualified for Attorney General

The Texas Attorney General election is not until the March 2014 Republican Primary, but the race is already in full swing. One candidate is clearly the most qualified and experienced for the job. Barry Smitherman. The Texas Attorney General is the top lawyer for the State of Texas. The Attorney General defends Texas against lawsuits, and he also files lawsuits against others, like Obama, on behalf of Texas in order to protect Texas. When the new Texas late term abortion restrictions passed into law, it was the Texas Attorney General, Greg Abbott, who defended the law in court so that the law could go into effect. When Obama passed Obamacare, it was the Texas Attorney General, Greg Abbott, who sued Obama in order to protect the rights of the people of Texas and to protect the state sovereignty of the State of Texas from the over-reaching healthcare law.

Greg Abbott is stepping down from his current job as Texas Attorney General in order to run in the Texas Governor's race. Texas Railroad Commission Chairman Barry Smitherman is stepping up and running to fill the shoes that Greg Abbot will be leaving.

So who in the Texas Attorney General's race is actually experienced and qualified to defend the laws of Texas from President Obama's over-reaching administration?

Barry Smitherman is the only candidate with the qualifications and experience to do the job. Why? Because Barry Smitherman has ALREADY sued Obama's EPA 7 times. Greg Abbott likes to say that he has the best job in the world because he wakes up and gets to sue Obama. Well, if you have to replace Abbott, it should be someone who already knows how to sue Obama and loves doing it. The only person in the race who can say that is Barry Smitherman.

Obama's EPA is constantly coming to Texas trying to kill our oil, gas and energy industry. Obama wants to kill our jobs, raise gas prices, and force his climate change agenda on Texas.

Every time Obama's EPA came to Texas to attack our great State, Barry Smitherman was right there standing tall and fighting back. 

As head of the Texas Public Utilities Commission, Smitherman sued Obama's EPA 5 times. Then, as the statewide, elected Chairman of the Texas Railroad Commission, Smitherman sued Obama's EPA 2 more times. Suing Obama 7 times is a huge statement and one that clearly shows that Smitherman is already ready to step into the position of Texas Attorney General and keep on suing Obama. Smitherman's record is almost too good to be true so PolitiFact has examined all seven lawsuits and has determined that it is true that Smitherman has sues Obama's EPA 7 times. Smitherman really is as conservative, genuine, and dedicated as he seems. His proven record shows that he is not too good to be true. He is just too good.

I want an Attorney General who is not afraid to go toe to toe with Obama and Barry Smitherman has the proven record to show that he can and will Stand up to Obama and protect and defend Texas. According to the Texas Tribune, during one of Smitherman’s past Public Utility Commissions meetings, chairman Barry Smitherman, in a brief digression from the agends, said that the federal agency was attempting to “disarm the U.S. economy,” with a raft of rules covering everything from fly-ash waste from coal plants to greenhouse gasses.

Lastly, check out the video below from Barry Smitherman's campaign. Smitherman calls for Texans to join his conservative crusade to defend and protect the laws and Constitution of the great State of Texas. Count me in!

Related articles:

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Ted Cruz Bill calls for 5 Million dollar Bounty on Heads of Benghazi Terrorists

Now we are talking. If this bill from Texas US Senator Ted Cruz passes, we might actually catch the terrorists who attacked the American Embassy in Benghazi, Libya. The United States of America frequently announces million dollar rewards for all kinds of wanted criminals. The most recent reward was created for information leading to the capture of a Mexican Drug Lord. These million dollar rewards work because, well, people like money and will give up information they know for money. So why has the United States NOT already put out a reward for information leading to the capture of the Benghazi terrorists? It is almost as if the Obama administration does not want to find the terrorists because it would expose even more about the botched ""anti Muslim video" cover-up by Obama's administration. Thank you Senator Ted Cruz for taking a stand and really putting forth an effort to find these terrorists.

The following is a press release from U.S. Senator Ted Cruz:

Cruz Proposes Bill to Offer Reward on Benghazi Terrorists
Contact: / (202) 228-7561
Thursday, November 7, 2013

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today introduced legislation to require the Secretary of State to offer a reward of up to $5 million for information on the Benghazi attacks or information that leads to the capture and prosecution of a suspect.

"The State Department's Rewards for Justice Program exists to help the U.S. identify and apprehend its enemies, but the Obama Administration has not used it to pursue the terrorists who attacked our personnel in Benghazi," Cruz said. "This legislation enables the Secretary of State to offer a substantial reward for information leading to the apprehension and prosecution of the suspects who have been identified. U.S. investigators should have all available tools at their disposal to bring to justice those who murdered four Americans in Benghazi, including the first Ambassador killed in service since 1979."

The Rewards for Justice program has been a visible and successful element in the ongoing battle against terrorism. Since 1984, over $125 million has been distributed to more than 80 people.

To date, there has been no reward offered for the Benghazi terrorist suspects under the Rewards for Justice Program. Earlier this week, the State Department announced that they are giving out up to $5 million in exchange for info on drug lords. They did this without any new authorizing or appropriating legislation.

Last year, then-Senator Kerry and Senator Coons offered similar legislation to expand the Rewards for Justice program to help capture Joseph Kony. This bill passed the Senate unanimously and was enacted into law last year.

TX Cop Drunk Driving with Children gets taxpayer PAID Leave following arrest in Beaumont

So a cop in southeast Texas gets arrested for being wasted and driving with small children in the back seat. What is his punishment? The Beaumont Police Department gives the guy a paid leave. In other words, the drunk driving cop gets a paid vacation that taxpayers are funding. Doesn't sound like much of a punishment does it? If you are going to pay the guy at least don't completely take send him home. Take his badge and take him off the streets but make him clean toilets or something instead of him getting a paid vacation.

from the Beaumont Enterprise:

A Beaumont police officer is on paid leave after being arrested on a felony charge of driving while intoxicated.
Sgt. Chuck Havard, with the Texas Department of Public Safety, said officer Richard Rovera was stopped by a state trooper June 15 around 7 p.m. at the intersection of Jade Avenue and 60th Street. Rovera had three minors under the age of 15 with him in the vehicle.
The trooper performed a field sobriety test, and Rovera was taken into custody and booked into the Jefferson County Jail.
Havard said the Department of Public Safety was not releasing any additional information about the arrest as of Tuesday.
Beaumont Police Department spokesman Sgt.Rob Flores said his department was contacted about the arrest, and the decision was made to put Rovera on paid administrative leave.
Flores said the department is not issuing any more information about the case until a grand jury makes a determination.
According to Jefferson County Jail records, Rovera was released June 16 after posting a $10,000 bond.
Under the Texas Penal Code, driving while intoxicated with a child passenger is a state jail felony punishable by between 180 day and two years incarceration and a fine not to exceed $10,000.