Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hypocrisy: Obama Aides Owe Back Taxes; Military OK with Burning Church but not Koran? Killing Baby OK, Killing Cat Not?

Hey everyone, post a Comment at the bottom of this article and share with us what you think it hypocritical in America today!

One of the most frustrating things about politics and living in America is the hypocrisy I see every day. You know, like when some movie star like Sheryl Crow does a “stop global warming tour” telling people to turn off lights to save the world and she herself drives gas guzzling SUV’s and has an air conditioned barn. When Sheryl Crow came to Texas A&M University, I put on a “global warming pool party” outside of the auditorium to draw some attention to the issue so that I could point out the hypocrisy of global warming advocates and also draw attention to the uncertainty surrounding the idea that climate change is man-made.
Of course, probably one of the greatest acts of America hypocrisy is the fact that America is known for fighting to save the world from killers like Adolf Hitler, but America will been seen in the history books as fighting to allow, and committing, the genocide of tens of millions of babies. More killings than than all past genocides in the history of the world combined.
The list of hypocritical things in America can go on and on and on…
Below are a couple examples of the MANY recent displays of hypocrisy in America:

36 Obama aides owe $833,000 in back taxes as Obama Bashes the Rich for Not Paying Enough
Yep, that headline is not a joke. Investor’s Business Daily reports that 36 of Obama’s Executive Office Staff owe nearly a million dollars in back taxes. Obama has recently ripped into the rich for not paying enough taxes or not paying their fair share. Hey Obama, your own advisors have not paid their taxes!
Church-Burning Video Used to Promote Atheist Event at Ft. Bragg
Todd Starnes of Fox News reports that a video of a church burning is being used to promote an Anti-Christian, atheist event at Fort Bragg. President Obama and the Military publically condemned a pastor for being hateful, disrespectful, and intolerant for saying he was going to burn a Quran. So making a statement by burning a Koran (not what I would do but free speech allows it) is enough to warrant a statement from the military, but hey, it is cool to have an event on a military base that is being promoted by a video with a church being burned. Did I mention that there is a war against Christianity? For instance, Athens, TX is fighting to keep a Nativity Scene. America wants everyone to be tolerant of everyone else’s beliefs, unless you are a Christian and then it is ok to be intolerant towards your Christian beliefs. Like the Texas student who was suspended for believing that homosexuality is wrong. Or like how two Muslims were praised for practicing their beliefs in the NFL, but Tim Tebow was criticized for talking about Jesus in the NFL.
Texas Teen Kills Her Baby and gets Probation - Texas man going to jail for 6 months for killing a Cat
A teenager in Baytown, TX stuffed toilet paper in the mouth of her newborn baby mouth and then tried to shove the baby down the toilet, killing the baby. A judge gave her probation. The police department was outraged, as they should be. This person killed a baby and she was arrested on capital murder charges, but she just got probation. WOW!
On the flipside, a man in Nacogdoches, TX stomped on a cat and killed it. The man was given 6 months in prison. Look, hurting animals is wrong and should not be accepted, but 6 months in Prison when Child Molesters and Baby Killers do not even get that much time in Prison. Heck, you can kill you baby in Baytown, TX and not even get a day in Prison. We will call in the Navy to save a whale but will not even give a donation to save a starving child. This kind of hypocrisy is the worst and it sickens me to think that animals have become elevated above human life.
Oh, and apparently it is not ok to spank your child in Texas. I am not talking about beating your child because that is wrong. I was spanked as a kid and it was a good thing. Sure, it stings when you get spanked but it stops stinging almost immediately after a spanking on the bottom, and I sure thought twice about doing something like running in the street or putting my hands near the stove. A judge in Corpus Christi, TX took a woman’s child away and gave the woman probation for spanking her child. No bruises, not cuts, no welts, no damage to indicate more than just a simple spanking on the buttocks. The judge went further and told the woman that, "You don't spank children today. In the old days, maybe we got spanked, but there was a different quarrel. You don't spank children. You understand?" So wait, this judge just said that it is never ok to spank your children ever? No wonder why the prison system is getting filled with punk kids who, in many cases, were never disciplined as a child. We might as well ban the verse in the Bible that says “spare the rod, spoil the child.” But hey, this is America right, it is ok to kill millions of unborn babies and even newborn babies, but spank your child and you are in big trouble.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Texas Governor Rick Perry Signs School Choice Week Proclamati​on - School Choice Proposition on 2012 Primary Election Ballot

School Choice is a Proposition on the 2012 Texas Republican Primary Election Ballot scheduled for April 3rd.

Texas Governor Rick Perry Signs School Choice Week Proclamati​on:

Click Here to see a copy of the signed Proclamation.


The Texas Constitution recognizes that a general diffusion of
knowledge is essential to the preservation of the liberties and rights of the
people of Texas. Texas recognizes the critical role that an effective and
accountable system of education plays in preparing Texas children to be
successful in a global economy.

As such, the Texas education system offers a multitude of high
quality public schools, public charter schools, nonpublic schools and home
school programs, and Texas has many administrators, teaching
professionals, parents, paraprofessionals and volunteers who have dedicate
themselves to educating children.

Providing children with multiple schooling options creates a
competitive environment that can improve academic performance, giving
children the option to attend the school that best fits their needs.

I encourage Texans to learn more about the different schooling
options available in the Lone Star State.

Therefore, I, Rick Perry, Governor of Texas, do hereby recognize
January 22-28, 2012, to be
School Choice Week
in Texas, and urge the appropriate recognition whereof.

In official recognition whereof, - I hereby affix my signature this the 12th day of January, 2012.

Senator Rand Paul Detained by TSA for Refusing a Full Body Pat Down at Airport

According to the Daily Caller, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has been Detained by TSA for Refusing a Full Body Pat Down search at the Nashville Airport. This happened after the Transportation Security Administration Agents demanded that the Senator submit to a pat down search as a result of the Full Body "porno" Scanner mistakenly went off. The Senator refused to be violated by the TSA agents and offered to go through the scanner again. Senator Rand Paul is the son of Congressman and Presidential Candidate Ron Paul.

Last year I wrote an Article that was picked up by Alex Jones Prison Planet and the Drudge Report. The article was about the TSA harassing and grabbing the crotch of a two Texas War Veterans with shrapnel in their bodies.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

150 of America's Christian Leaders Meet at Texas Ranch and Choose Rick Santorum for President

From CNN:

A meeting of Christian conservative leaders resulted in the group backing GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins announced Saturday.
The group heard pitches from surrogates for Republican candidates on Friday, and voted to support Santorum after voting on Saturday.

"After three rounds of balloting this morning, and vigorous and passionate discussion, there emerged a strong consensus around Rick Santorum as the preferred candidate for this group," Perkins said on a conference call Saturday.

The group of conservative leaders was meeting at a Texas ranch to discuss the 2012 race, although ahead of the meeting it appeared unlikely the gathering would come to an agreement on backing a particular candidate.

Well-known evangelicals flocked to the event, including Focus on the Family founder James Dobson, Perkins, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference president Rev. Samuel Rodriguez and former presidential candidate Gary Bauer. Members of the media were barred from attending.

Perkins expressed surprise the group was able to come to a consensus, but said what resulted would be a stronger chance of beating President Barack Obama.

"I will have to admit what I did not think was possible appears to be possible," Perkins said.
Representatives winnowed the field to two candidates: Santorum and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. The final balloting gave 85 votes to Santorum and 29 to Gingrich.

One of the requirements for attending the meeting was a willingness to support the candidate that emerged as the winner. At least one attendee, American Family Association founder Don Wildmon, has publically endorsed Gingrich.

"There is a hope and expectation that those that are represented here, and their constituencies, that it will have an impact," Perkins said.

The individual organizations represented at the meeting will not coordinate in their efforts to back Santorum, Perkins said.

"It will manifest itself in many different ways," he said.

Perkins said discussion of frontrunner Mitt Romney's Mormon religion did not play a significant role in the weekend's discussion, and that the Romney team sent a surrogate to speak to the conservative leaders
"This was not a bash-Mitt Romney weekend, it was focused on the positive," Perkins said. "It's not news that there is not strong support among conservatives for Mitt Romney, and that was reflected here."

Perkins dismissed concerns that the meeting happened too late the GOP race to have an impact, with Romney already having won the first two contests in Iowa and New Hampshire. A CNN/ORC International poll released Friday showed Romney's lead growing over the rest of the field.

"The race is far from being decided," Perkins said. "South Carolina [which votes next Saturday] is a state that is more reflective of conservative voters. So this is good time to see movement toward a particular candidate for conservatives."

Texas Saddle Up Straw Poll Results: 4 Way Presidential Split, Romney Shunned - Ted Cruz Sweeps US Senate Poll - Congressional Polls




Newt Gingrich

Rick Perry

Ron Paul

Mitt Romney

Jon Huntsman

Rick Santorum

Charles “Buddy” Roemer


Glenn Addison

Tom Leppert

David Dewhurst

Curt Cleaver

Ted Cruz

Charles Holcomb

Ben Gambini

Lela Pittenger

“Doc Joe” Agris

Craig James


DISTRICT 3Sam Johnson0.0%

Josh Caesar0.0%

Harry Pierce0.0%

DISTRICT 4Ralph Hall75.0%

John Cooper25.0%

Lou Gigliotti0.0%

DISTRICT 6Joe Barton86.7%

Joe Chow6.7%

Frank Kuchar6.7%

DISTRICT 8Kevin Brady61.3%

Larry Youngblood38.7%

DISTRICT 10Michael McCaul70.6%

Ernie Beltz, Jr.8.8%

Eddie Traylor20.6%

DISTRICT 11Mike Conaway0.0%

Chris Younts100.0%

DISTRICT 13Mac Thornberry66.7%

Pam Barlow33.3%

DISTRICT 14Michael Truncale8.8%

DISTRICT 14Tim Day1.1%

DISTRICT 14Randy Weber14.3%

DISTRICT 14John Gay1.1%

Bill Sargent0.0%

George Harper9.9%

Jay Old1.1%

Mark Mansius0.0%

Robert Gonzalez62.6%

Felicia Harris1.1%

DISTRICT 15Jim Kuiken0.0%

Eddie Zamora100.0%

Dale A. Brueggemann0.0%

DISTRICT 22Pete Olson48.5%

Barbara Carlson51.5%

DISTRICT 24Kenny Marchant0.0%

Grant Stinchfield0.0%

DISTRICT 25Wes Riddle40.0%

DISTRICT 25Dianne Costa0.0%

DISTRICT 25Michael Williams60.0%

Dave Garrison0.0%

Bill Burch0.0%

Chad Wilbanks0.0%

Brian Matthews0.0%

Justin Hewlett0.0%

DISTRICT 27Blake Farenthold83.3%

Don Al Middlebrook16.7%

DISTRICT 33Bill Lawrence0.0%

DISTRICT 33Chuck Bradley33.3%

Roger Williams66.7%

Monte Mitchell0.0%

DISTRICT 34Trey Roberts0.0%

DISTRICT 34Paul B. Haring0.0%

DISTRICT 34Bill Tofte87.0%

John Grunwald4.3%

Marc Young0.0%

Adela Garza4.3%

Jessica Puente Bradshaw4.3%

DISTRICT 35Susan Narvaiz0.0%

Rob Roark100.0%

DISTRICT 36Kim Morrell0.0%

DISTRICT 36Lois Dickson Myers4.5%

DISTRICT 36Stephen Takach2.3%

Jim Engstrand84.1%

Jerry L. Doyle0.0%

Mike Jackson9.1%

Ky D. Griffin0.0%

Saturday, January 14, 2012

DHS Monitoring Blogs? David Bellow tells KETK NBC, “Good! They Might Learn Something!”

below is an article about my interview with KETK NBC that Texas GOP Vote posted on their website:

Texas GOP Vote blogger David Bellow was recently on KETK NBC in Tyler, TX to discuss the recent revelations that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been monitoring blogs and other social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Drudge Report and Huffington Post.

Basically, the DHS recently came out and said they have been monitoring social sites and blogs. They call it a social networking media capability program. They are doing this so that they can collect information used in providing situational awareness and establishing a common operating picture. That is a whole bunch of words. What they really should say is that they just want to see what is going on and they want to see what people are saying/reporting on their blogs.
Some people told KETK NBC that this was Big Brother and that they did not like it. When Bellow was asked about it he said, “I think that is great. They might learn something.”
Bellow went on to explain that when he puts something on a blog, “I am putting it out for the public to see. I want them to see it. So I am not at all bothered that they are reading it.”
Bellow is a conservative Republican blogger and he posts stories sometimes that the mainstream media does not know about or does not want to cover. He said that, “if the Department of Homeland Security is looking at blogs, I think that is a great idea because I think they could learn a lot.”
For instance, “If the DHS could not have been so politically correct and if they read some of the information that Major Nidal Hasan put on forums, they would have known that he was a Muslim terrorist and the entire Fort Hood Massacre could have been avoided. Of course, the Obama Administration believes that those soldiers died as a part of workplace violence only and not a part of a terrorist attack by a Muslim who hates America.”
Also, “the Obama Administration could really learn a lot about how dangerous the Mexican border is by reading blogs. If they read some blog then they would know about the violence from drug cartels that is spilling over onto American soil. They would know about the tens of thousands who have been killed along the border and about all the shootings with American law enforcement and drug cartels. Then Obama would not be coming to Texas making jokes about how we will not be happy until there is a moat with alligators. No, we just want to be safe from the violent drug cartels.”

Bellow does say that there would be an issue with storing information or accessing private information, but what he puts on a blog is put there for the purpose of being read and there is no expectation of privacy for what you put on a public online blog. The real problem right now is the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that was just passed and signed into law that allows Americans on American soil to be detained secretly without due process and without even a trial. That is the bigger problem we are facing right now.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Convict TX Activist Bishop Guillory Lowered Crime in 10 Worst US Cities? Sex Parties & Strippers at his Palace? (video)

A Texas Activist, Bishop L.J. Guillory, tells the Jasper City Council that his work has eliminated, or lowered, the crime rate in the top 10 most dangerous cities in the United States of America.

Click Here to Watch Video:

Bishop L J Guillory is a smooth talker. He can make you believe anything. Heck, he probably believes it himself! He started a "government oversight agency", Ombudsman International Inc, and many people believe that he was impersonating a DOJ official during a Jasper, TX Election. He calls himself the Ombudsman General. He is a convicted felon. He is no Bishop. He does not even act Christian with all the talk about strippers and the sex parties that go on at his "palace" in California that is not even owned by him (he just wants you to think it is his palace). He even tells the Jasper TX City Council that he put an end to or lowered crime in the top ten worst crime cities in the US!

More Info:

Jasper, TX Officials Say Convict Activist "Bishop Guillory" Posed as a Department of Justice Agent in Election

Of Course, Guillory is going to pull the race card and call me racist for trying to put an end to corruption in East Texas. The fact is that I do not look at color of the bad guy. I go after the bad guys no matter what color their skin is! Like when I went after a White Justice of the Peace in Hardin County: Criminal Complaint Filed Against Lumberton Justice of the Peace Butch Cummings
Butch Cummings (a Justice of the Peace) even cursed and threatened me with bodily injury if I exposed that he had tried to rig his election by coercing his opponent to drop out of the race.

Click Here to Watch Video:


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

More East Texas Corruption: Cherokee County Republican Chairman Steve Loony Arrested on Felony Charges

As a State Republican Executive Committeeman (SREC), I am elected to represent the Republicans in 16 counties in East Texas. Cherokee County is one of my counties. They are a great county with good Republicans. There is also a bunch of corruption, mostly stemming from good old boy democrat networks because Democrats have long been in power in East Texas. For the last year, there has been controversy swirling around about the County Republican Party Chairman. Loony was elected into his position when several Democrat officials switched Republican and supported Loony as the chairman. Don’t get me wrong, I want all the good conservative Democrats to wake up and switch Republican. I welcome that. Not everyone who switches are good people though and certainly some of them do it just so they can still get elected. There was not much I could do for Cherokee County though because the county chairman is an elected position, so I just told the people of Cherokee County that if they do not like their chairman then they need to just elect a new one. This kind of thing is best handled at the local level by just electing someone new if they do not like their current chairman. The SREC cannot really even do anything anyways because, like I said, we cannot remove an elected official from office. If things get bad enough then the SREC can pass a resolution opposing the actions of a county chairman and asking that chairman to step down, but we cannot remove anyone. We actually just recently passed a resolution disapproving of the inappropriate actions of the Upshur County Republican Chairman.

Cherokee County Chairman Steve Loony Arrested on Felony Charges

I received a call from a Republican in Cherokee County a couple of days ago. I was told that Steve Loony was arrested. Steve Loony is innocent until proven guilty, but this is still very disappointing and gives the good Republican Party of Texas a bad image. There are other candidates running for Cherokee County Republican Chairman and I would imagine that, after this arrest, Loony will probably not be elected again.

The following is the full story of Loony’s arrest from

Republican Party Chairman Facing Felony Charges
Staff Writer

The chairman of the Cherokee County Republican Party is facing felony charges stemming from investigations into his work as a public servant.

Stephen Looney turned himself into the Cherokee County Jail Monday on charges of tampering with government records with the intent to defraud or harm, and theft of property greater than $500 but less than $1,500 by a public servant, according to documents from the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office.
Both are state jail felonies.

The charges have caused Republicans in the county to call for his resignation.

Danny Morris, the president of the Cherokee County Republican Club, said he would like to see Looney step down from his position as chairman before the end of his term.

“The things that he’s done has given a black eye to the party,” Morris said. “The longer he stays as chairman of the party I think the more damage we’re going to have in the eyes of the public.”
Morris said he did not want Looney to seek reelection in the next round of primaries.

Cherokee County District Attorney Elmer Beckworth said an indictment was issued for Looney in December.

Beckworth said the charges came from an investigation conducted by the Health and Human Services Commission, for which Looney worked as a specialist with Adult Protective Services.

“I was contacted by an investigator for the Health and Human Services Commission, Office of the Inspector General,” Beckworth said. “(The investigator) met with me in June and later sent me a detailed report regarding this investigation.”

He said the charges were related to plumbing work done on property when Looney was employed by the Adult Protective Services.

Looney resigned from the department in Dec. 28, 2010.

Included in a Department of Health and Human Services memorandum, dated Dec. 20, 2010, was a recommendation for Looney’s dismissal based on alleged violations of 10 Health and Human Services human resource rules.

In that memorandum, which was not related to the charges on which he was indicted, it was alleged Looney rented a house he owned to an Adult Protective Services client and told the client to request the agency put a stove in the property. Several other allegations were made about improper conduct at the agency.

Beckworth said the two charges he was indicted on stemmed from separate incidents presented to him in the file complied by the Health and Human Services Commission.

“It was more than one incident, but the same course of conduct,” Beckworth said of the investigation into the incidents leading to the charges.

Looney was out of jail as of Tuesday afternoon after posting a $20,000 bond. He did not return phone calls for comment on the arrest or call for resignation before press time.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

US Supreme Court Hears Texas Redistricting – Voting Rights Act Section 5 might be Found Unconstitutional – Late Decision Might Mean 2 Texas Primary Election Dates instead of 1…. again

The US Supreme Court heard the oral arguments in the Texas Redistricting Battle on January 9th, 2012. If the Supreme Court does not make a decision soon then Texas might be forced to change the Primary election date again. Some of the elections would still be on April 3rd, 2012 and some would be pushed back to a later date. This is due to the fact that the State Republican and Democrat Party Conventions have to be in June or July. Those cannot just be cancelled. Hopefully the US Supreme Court makes a decision soon so that Texas can get things sorted out in time to still have all the Primary Elections on the same date in April.

It is hoped the Supreme Court will also rule that Section V of the Voting Rights Act is unconstitutional. Several states have filed Amicus Briefs in support of striking down Section 5. Basically, it is not constitutional that the Federal Government has one set of rules for some states and one set of rules for other states. Some states get to do what they want in redistricting and voter id laws but other states have to have their laws approved by the Justice Department (a biased, non elected federal entity).

Go to for more info on this Texas Redistricting/Supreme Court mess

Texas Sonogram Abortion Bill is Ruled Constitutional - 5th Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds the Law & Removes Injunction

Major Victory for the State of Texas and for life!

Texas passed a law in the 2011 Legislative session that requires a sonogram to be performed for women who are contemplating killing their unborn baby. This would allow the woman to be fully informed about what she is doing and who is inside of her.

This law was challenged in court U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks put a hold on key provisions of Texas’ new sonogram law.

This ruling was appealed to the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.

The 5th Circuit today struck down the injunction against the Sonogram Bill and ruled that the bill is constitutional.

Jeff Mateer, the General Counsel for the Liberty Institute, posted this comment on his Facebook page:

Breaking News -- Victory at 5th Circuit: The Court (Edith Jones opinion) holds recently enacted Texas Sonogram law constitutional. The Fifth Circuit reversed Judge Sparks, vacating his granting of preliminary injunction, which had stopped enforcement of the Texas Sonogram law.

Below is a Previous Story from earlier this week from the Liberty Institute blog:

Sonogram Bill Goes Before 5th Circuit Court of Appeals Today 

Today, the Sonogram Bill (HB 15) will go before the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans. The State of Texas will be seeking to overturn U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks ruling that put on hold key provisions of Texas’ new sonogram law. The Sonogram Bill, which requires doctors or certified sonographers to perform a sonogram on women seeking an abortion at least 24 hours before the procedure, was overwhelmingly passed by the Texas Legislature and signed into law by Governor Perry this past legislative session.

Liberty Institute, on behalf of Texas State Senator Dan Patrick and Representative Sid Miller – authors of the Sonogram Bill in the Texas Senate and House respectively, filed an amicus brief with the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in support of the law. Liberty Institute argues that HB 15 is consistent with Supreme Court precedents and only requires the disclosure of truthful and accurate information to allow women to make informed decisions regarding their pregnancies. Liberty Institute was also involved in helping lawmakers draft the best language for this legislation and provided legal advocacy at numerous legislative hearings on this matter when pro-abortion advocates tried to stop this effort.

Read the legislators’ amicus brief filed with the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in Texas Medical Professionals Performing Abortion Services v. Lakey.

Texas US Senate Debate Jan 12 w/ Cruz, Dewhurst, James, Addison & Leppert. Cruz #1 in Fundraising So Far

Finally! The top three Texas US Senate Candidates will be in the same room together for a candidate debate!
On Thursday, January 12, 2012 at 7 p.m., Empower Texans and the Texas Public Policy Foundation will co-host the first debate of the Texas Republican US Senate candidates of 2012! You can watch the debate live online by going to

Confirmed participants are: Glenn Addison, Ted Cruz, David Dewhurst, Craig James and Tom Leppert. They are trying to take over the Texas US Senate seat that will be open thanks to Senator Kay Baily Hutchinson retiring.

Thus far, the two candidates who seem to be in the lead (and getting all the attention) are Ted Cruz and David Dewhurst.
David Dewhurst is the Lieutenant Governor of Texas and is extremely wealthy. He is the leader of the Texas State Senate. He has name recognition and money to easily fuel his campaign. Ted Cruz is the former Solicitor General for Texas. He does not have much name recognition or money, but he is the Tea Party darling and has garnered impressive endorsements from big conservative Republicans and conservative organizations (such as Club for Growth, National Review, YCT, Red State, Dr. James Dobson, Senator Jim DeMint, Senator Rand Paul, George Will, David Barton, etc.) His big draw is that he is seen as a fresh face and he has actually argued for his conservative principles in front of the Supreme Court and won (defeating Obama in one case).
Cruz and Dewhurst have Drawn Most of the Attention in this Race
It is only logical that Texans want to see these two debate each other on the issues. Surprisingly, there have been no debates between the candidates so far. Ted Cruz has offered to have debates but so far David Dewhurst has not accepted. David Dewhurst probably has hoped that he could rely on his name recognition to keep him in the lead without having to debate Ted Cruz. I can’t say that I blame him because Cruz has debated in front of the Supreme Court and is a very good speaker. It probably was a good strategy on the part of Dewhurst, but it was a strategy that could only work as long as Ted Cruz was not a major threat. Surprisingly though (or not surprisingly), Ted Cruz has been rocketing up the polls, has been fundraising well, and has been getting big conservative endorsements every week. Now that Cruz is no longer a long shot and he is at the top of the Senate race with Dewhurst, people want to see a debate.
Bloggers from all over Texas have demanded to see the two top senate candidates in a debate with each other. Big conservative organizations like King Street Patriots and the Grassroots Texans Network have offered to put on the debate. David Dewhurst has even taken some heat from Texas newspapers like the San Antonio Express News for not scheduling a debate with Cruz.

Debate will be held at 7 p.m. on January 12, 2012, at the Downtown Austin Hilton
The people of Texas will finally get what they want. They get a debate between Cruz and Dewhurst.
That is not all they get though.
There are other candidates in this US Senate race too, even though Cruz and Dewhurst have stolen the spotlight.
I personally am voting for Ted Cruz, but I certainly want to be fair and list all the candidates in the race. It is also important to note that I am not voting against any candidate. For instance, just because I personally support Cruz over Dewhurst does not mean I dislike Dewhurst. I just think that, out of all the good guys, Cruz is the best conservative guy for the job, he has won in the US Supreme Court, and he is a fresh face.
The Other Texas US Senate Candidates:
Craig James (no website?) just recently joined the US Senate race. James has some name and face recognition because he has been working for ESPN and is seen on TV regularly by anyone who watches ESPN. James certainly makes the race more interesting but he has a lot of catching up to do.
Glenn Addison is from Magnolia, TX. He owns a funeral home business. He is a pretty nice guy but he has not gained much traction and does not have much money.
Lela Pittenger is a very nice, Christian conservative but she has not gained any traction and does not have much money.
Tom Leppert is a former mayor of Dallas. He certainly has great name recognition in that part of Texas. He also has lots of personal money to spend on his campaign. He certainly has the potential to be one of the top candidates but he has just not been able to get the attention like Cruz and Dewhurst.
April 3rd, 2012 Republican Primary Election
The 2012 Republican Primary Election will decide who wins out of these 5 gentlemen and 1 woman. This Primary Election should will on April 3rd, 2012. The Supreme Court could change that date though. It has already been pushed back to April from March because of a couple activist judges and a big Texas Redistricting mess. One of the Federal Judges in this Redistricting Battle is Brother in Law of Texas Democrat Senate Caucus Chairman. Is that crazy or what?
With half a dozen candidates in this US Senate race, it is unlikely that any one candidate will get a majority of the vote. There will likely be a runoff election between the two top vote getters.

Ted Cruz is Leading in Fundraising/Individual Contributions and Social Media
Below are the fundraising totals for the top 3 candidates, as of the last Campaign Finance Reports that have been posted on the Federal Election Commission’s website. I have also posted some interesting social media info about Cruz and Dewhurst).
As you can see below, Cruz is the fundraising leader and has received the most individual contributions. Leppert and Dewhurst are close behind though. What is most interesting about these fundraising totals is that Cruz has raised all this money with very little money to start with. Dewhurst and Leppert each put 2 million dollars or more of their own money into their campaign in the form of candidate loans. Cruz has only put loaned his campaign $70,000 or his own money. This would indicate that Cruz has a significant amount of grassroots support and his name is really getting circulated around Texas.
It is also interesting to see that Cruz has really dominated the social media. He has significantly more friends and followers on Facebook and Twitter than any other candidate so far.

Individual Contributions: $2,753,833
Candidates Loans: $70,000
Unique Donors/Contributors: 2,217
Facebook Friends/Fans: 68,740
Twitter Followers: 18,048

Individual Contributions: $2,456,934
Candidates Loans: $2,000,000
Unique Donors/Contributors: 1,157
Facebook Friends/Fans: 25,393
Twitter Followers: 5,702

Individual Contributions: $2,462,297
Candidates Loans: $2,600,000
Unique Donors/Contributors: 1,681

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Iowa Caucus Results: Big Win (tie) for Santorum - Perry & Gingrich Alive - Romney Flat - Paul Competing

Rick Santorum had a huge victory in the Iowa Caucus. He came within 8 votes of beating Romney out for first place. This 25% tie (almost a win) win will give Santorum the media attention he needs to compete in future Primaries and Caucuses. Romney and Santorum share the delegates from Iowa with Romney getting 13 and Santorum getting 12. It really is a joke to think that these early primaries and caucuses can carry so much weight. The winner only gets 13 delegates! It takes over 1000 delegates to win the nomination!

There is a long race ahead and I sure hope the media does not conclude who the winner is until after all the states have voted and someone has the over 1000 delegates needed to win. 13 votes means nothing and yet it is silly how much hype that Iowa and these other early states get.

The hype will help Santorum get more exposure and money so that is good for him. Romney comes out bad in this deal because he could not win. As other conservative candidates drop out we will see Romney's numbers stay about the same and some other candidate's numbers go up because there is clearly a large section of "anyone but Romney" voters.

Perry is still very alive after this Iowa Caucus. The winner only got 25% and there were 5 candidates that got in the double digits. Perry ended up with 11%. That shows that the voters are very split between candidates. Perry has lots of money that he can spend on future races. All it takes for Perry to turn the corner is for Perry to survive until some of the big states. By then, some of the other candidates might have dropped out so those candidate's votes could go to Perry as the anti-Romney or anti-Paul candidate. For instance, Texas has a later Primary thanks to the Activist Judges trying to take over redistricting. Many of the states voting before Texas will have half of their delegates taken away because they did not follow RNC rules. If the candidates keep splitting the votes in the early, low population State Primaries, then a big win in a place like Texas could drastically change the race because of the amount of delegates that Texas has.

Ron Paul showed that he is getting more votes than just his base with 22%. Quite frankly, people are getting sick and tired of the status quo and so more and more people are thinking that a drastic change is what is needed. Ron Paul will probably be in the race for a while and he certainly cannot be ruled out.

Newt Gingrich is in the same boat as Perry, except without the money that Perry has. Newt got 14 percent and he could be a guy that people turn to in order to get away from Paul or Romney. That is if Gingrich lasts that long.

Michele Bachmann and Jon Huntsman both got single digits. I guess it is too early to rule anyone completely out, but with little money to get their message out they might not make it very long into the next few months.