Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Vote TODAY - Texas Constitutional Election - November 5th, 2013

Today is election day! Remember to vote!

Polls are open from 7AM to 7PM. Look up your voting location here

On top of the statewide Constitutional Election, there are also various local elections across the State of Texas.

Click on the following links to see voting guides and explanations of the constitutional amendments from the Texas Eagle Forum, Texas Patriots PAC and from Texans for Fiscal Responsibility:




1 comment:

  1. Class 10th Blueprint for Manipur HSLC 2023, The High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) examination will be administered by the Board of Secondary Education Manipur (BSEM) in March 2023. For this yearly test that the BSEM conducts, many applicants registered. An Act of the Manipur legislative assembly created the Board of Secondary Education. The Board of Secondary Education, Manipur, was given responsibility for prescribing the requirements for giving recognition of standards I and VIII as part of the Act's revision.
