An influential Iowa conservative predicts Sen. Ted Cruz would catapult to the top of the field of potential GOP nominees if he runs for president in 2016. Bob Van der Plaats, head of the social-conservative group Family Leader, says voters on the GOP’s right flank will be looking to coalesce around a strongly conservative nominee. He says Cruz could be that candidate.

“In my opinion, if the caucuses were being held today and you threw in all the potentials … Cruz would be at the top of the list immediately,” Van der Plaats said in an interview. The Texas Republican has only been in the U.S. Senate since January, but Cruz has made headlines as an outspoken critic of the Obama administration, a tea party conservative on fiscal issues, opponent of gun control and adversary of bipartisan immigration efforts that includes a path to citizenship.
Van der Plaats says that’s music to the ears of social conservatives in the first-caucus state that launches the presidential nominating season. “If he wants to do this, I think the door is going to be open,” said Van der Plaats. “People are so thirsty for leadership today, so thirsty for somebody who’s going to be authentic and credible and be what they are – and that’s what they’re seeing in Cruz. So although he’s only served in the Senate a short amount of time, they’re willing to jump in for Cruz.”

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