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This woman is not the teacher, this is one of the pictures posted on the teacher's Twitter page |
During the November 2012 election, several students claim that Lumberton High School teacher Michelle Champagne paraded around the high school wearing a shirt with a picture of Barack Obama and "Vote Obama" written above the picture. This Texas teacher also has vulgar, anti-Christian, anti-Republican, anti-Fox News, anti-Rick Perry messages and pictures posted openly on her Twitter page and says her fellow Lumberton residents “cling to guns and Bibles.” One tweet on her Twitter Page even refers to a Christian Cross as a Swastika! It is no surprise that this teacher also says she relies heavily on the flawed CSCOPE curriculum!
The recent Lumberton ISD Muslim Burqa Lesson and CSCOPE curriculum controversy has apparently encouraged other students and parents to speak out about things that have happened in Lumberton schools. Over the past month I have been contacted about all kinds of incidents, including this one. Parents in other cities are also standing up and speaking out. Just today I saw that a parent in Flour Bluff, TX exposed a CSCOPE approved supplement lesson that blamed the 9/11 terrorist attack on America.
I 100% believe that the Lumberton School Board and Lumberton Administration are NOT trying to push liberalism on any children. I also believe that most of the teachers in Lumberton are awesome! I do believe however that there ARE some liberal teachers who DO try to influence students with liberal ideas, even here in predominantly conservative East Texas. I also believe that, even if not intentional on the part of the school, the CSCOPE curriculum does try to negatively influence students. Thankfully, LISD has created a committee to look into replacing CSCOPE.
Lumberton Teacher Wears “Vote Obama” Shirt to School
Last week I got a call from a student who said that, during the November 2012 election, Lumberton High School teacher Michelle Champagne paraded around the high school wearing a shirt with a picture of Barack Obama and "Vote Obama" written above the picture. This allegation was backed up by other students who saw her wearing the shirt. Even after at least one student and the student's parents complained to the school about this shirt, the teacher still wore the shirt to Lumberton High School, according to the complaining student and parent. It is not known what action, if any, was taken against the teacher for wearing the shirt.
The Burqa incident might have been as an honest mistake not meant to push anything onto the students, but there is nothing innocent about a teacher wearing a shirt to the high school that says "Vote Obama." This shirt in my opinion, is clearly an attempt of an authority figure to push a liberal person and ideas onto impressionable students at Lumberton High School. A teacher with a shirt with "vote" written on it would be fine at a school to encourage students to get involved. I would even be fine with a shirt that just had a picture of Obama on it. But a teacher wearing a shirt that has the words "Vote Obama" is clearly crossing the line. Students wearing religious or political shirts are ok because it is student led. A teacher is in a position of authority over impressionable students who are there to learn from the teacher, so teachers are NOT allowed to wear these kinds of things.
It is interesting to note that on Michelle Champagne's LISD Teacher Webpage, she says that the students in her class only do CSCOPE for the first 9 weeks!
It is interesting to note that on Michelle Champagne's LISD Teacher Webpage, she says that the students in her class only do CSCOPE for the first 9 weeks!
This Lumberton Texas teacher labels herself as a LIBERAL TEACHER on TWITTER and has VULGAR anti-Republican pictures and messages on her Twitter
Just in case you want to try to argue that this teacher is not a liberal who, in my opinion, wants to push radical ideas onto the students in Lumberton, go check out this teacher’s past public twitter posts.
The following are some of the past tweets on Lumberton Teacher Michelle Champagne’s twitter account. These past tweets on her account have been archived at http://topsy.com/twitter/mbchampagne because she has now deleted her twitter page
Michelle Champagne’s Twitter Description:
Lumberton, Texas – Liberal Texas school teacher surrounded by people who cling to their guns and Bibles...
Vulgar, anti-Christian, anti-Republican, anti-Fox News Tweets found on Michelle Champagne’s Twitter Page:
This following picture of Texas Governor Rick Perry that was posted on Michelle Champagne’s Twitter came with this caption “Here comes Rick Perry, with a crippled swastika aka a cross. ”
Other Lumberton Teachers have also tried to influence Students with Liberal Propaganda
The idea of liberal influences from teaches in the conservative state of Texas is nothing new. Nearly two years ago, I wrote an article about a Lumberton Teacher, Karen Talbert, who Chastised 6th Grade Students for Watching Fox News Instead of CNN.
Also, who can forget the article I wrote last year about a Lumberton Teacher having students perform (in front of the entire school) a vulgar, sexually obscene play written by a liberal who is intent on promoting a pro-homosexuality agenda in schools via his dramas and plays.
Interestingly enough, this is not my first unpleasant run in with Michelle Champagne. It was only a couple years ago that I passed out an American flag to every house in Lumberton on the anniversary of 9/11. The flag came with a flyer promoting conservative values. After passing out the flags, I got an email from a liberal who was not happy. She said I was wrong and she sarcastically said that she will pray to Mother Mary to have her son Jesus help us conservatives make it through this Democratic Rule. The thing that surprised me though was that this person signed this letter as “Michelle Champagne Junior English and World History Teacher”. As you can see, this person did not sign her letter as a concerned citizen. She signed her letter as a high school teacher. In my opinion, she is proud that she gets to spread liberalism to students at Lumberton High School without professionally keeping liberal politics separate from her position as a public teacher.
This article should make you sick to your stomach just thinking about what kind of thins liberal teachers are telling your kids while they are in school.
Parents Should Always Take Time to Ask Your Kids What They Are Learning In School and Take Action When Your Kids Tell You Something Wrong. Also, Check Their Homework and Ask for Copies of Lessons because the Kids Might Not Know They Are Being Taught Wrong. Parents are the Front Line Defense to Stop Liberal Ideas and Lessons from Taking Over our Schools!
If Bibles and Prayer can be taken out of our schools, anything to do with Politics should also be removed. Political attire should be banned, as well as not allowing any teachers to speak about their political ideas/preferences. See how this works? The Liberals started this banning...and now it begins to snowball. I suppose a lot of books will be next...
ReplyDeleteLiberal thought is not inherently wrong, as you suggest, nor is an anti-Fox view necessarily anti-Christian. This is the single most close-minded post I have ever read and I really feel sorry for you if this is the world view you pass to your children.
ReplyDeleteI have no problem with this teacher being a liberal or believing something different than me. That is her right. How am I closed minded? because I do not think it is right for a vote Obama shirt at school and to post vulgar pictures on twitter? and anti fox does not mean she is anti Christian. I say anti Christian because she said a cross was a crippled swastika. That is anti Christian.
DeleteSo I do not have a problem with her being a liberal. outside of her workplace I do not care what she does or says because she has freedom of speech. I do have a problem with her trying to push partisan, liberal opinions on kids at school under her authority. teachers need to be held to a standard of professionalism in the workplace and while they have authority over the children in this community? I have to be professional at my work too and cannot wear political shirts. I am all for freedom of speech but as a teacher at work with authority to influence children, you should not wear a political shirt to school. That goes for the other side too, if a republican teacher wore a vote Republican shirt that would be wrong too and I promise you that those of y'all on the left would object to it. Students on the other hand I do believe can talk about politics and religion at school as long as it is student led. Teachers can't.
I guess if it were a Conservative teacher pushing the Right agenda along with Biblical teaching not a peep would be heard. Southeast Texas has become the butthole of Texas. Good Grief!
ReplyDeleteLets hear it for Christian based home schooling! The liberals want to take common morals out of school now in a country who is based upon Christian values. These are the same parents who RUSH down to the principals office every time their child gets into trouble and faces off with school personal about their how sweet child would NEVER do anything wrong instead of making the child own up to it.
ReplyDeleteFreakin' crybabys.
What's wrong, David, can't handle the truth? Saw you had to remove my post when I called you out on your lies. What a hypocrit you are. This is the most childish, arrogent piece of crap I have ever read. You do not even know how to post the truth. I am very glad we have teachers that teach beyond your narrow minded world. Do you really think the rest of the town thinks like you? No, we have grown up and learned that we are a multicultural society with different families and lifestyles. I am proud of my gay and lesbian friends, I support their rights to equality in our society. I certainly hope teachers will teach various cultures and ideas. Not the nazi style you would have us follow. Another fellow said this earlier about you. That thank goodness you do not represent the conservatives in Lumberton. You are just a wack job. Or a very evil person. Since your little profile does not allow you to put your name, I will put mine here. I want you to know who will challenge your fiction every chance I get. Cindy Colwell I am sure you are too cowardly to leave this one up too.
ReplyDeleteThis is my private site. I do allow people to post different opinions and discuss issues on my site. I have no problem with people posting different opinions than me. I have no problem with people posting an argument against what I am saying. I DO have a problem with people who just want to get on here and curse or call names without even putting up a reasonable effort to discuss the issue. That might be why your post got deleted, I don't remember. For instance, your comment above is really just name calling without even putting up an argument regarding the issue. You say my article is childish crap that isn't the truth... ok, what is the truth then? Am I wrong that she wore a Vote Obama shirt at the school? Am I wrong that she posts vulgar pictures about Republicans? You even go on to compare me with a nazi. Really, how am I a nazi? am I a nazi because I think that teachers need to be held to a standard of professionalism in the workplace and while they have authority over the children in this community? I have to be professional at my work too and cannot wear political shirts. I am all for freedom of speech but as a teacher at work with authority to influence children, you should not wear a political shirt to school. That goes for the other side too, if a republican teacher wore a vote Republican shirt that would be wrong too and I promise you that those of y'all on the left would object to it. Students on the other hand I do believe can talk about politics and religion at school as long as it is student led. Teachers can't. You are just calling names with nothing to back up your argument because I am right and you are wrong. You cannot present factual info to show I am wrong so you get upset and call names. feel free to challenge my info anytime with an actual argument or fact, but if you want to just get on my site and call me a nazi and feel good about yourself then you can go do it somewhere else. Thanks!
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