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Wow, I don’t even know what to say. I just read a news story by John Griffing on about my very own Hometown High School in Lumberton, TX (Lumberton ISD) making students wear Muslim Burqas as part of a History class this past week. (picture displayed below is from a Lumberton Student taken when they had to wear Burqas in class)
Update: After I wrote this article I was contacted by a Lumberton resident with a student in this class, she said this Burqa incident was part of the regular CSCOPE lesson taught to the students and not just some extra curricular activity or student led project. The students were not forced to wear the Burqas, but the Burqas were there as part of the lesson and students were encouraged to try them on. That being said, it was confirmed that everything else being reported as happening in this Lumberton class are true, including the students were taught not to call a terrorist a terrorist and instead call them freedom fighters. Also, the teacher I hear was upset that she even had to teach the lesson and told the students she did not agree with it so I am not out to bash the teacher. Clearly this lesson has been forced into the classroom by someone and it needs to be corrected. This is outrageous!
Earlier this Month (February 2013), BEFORE this Burqa lesson was ever taught, I first learned that Lumberton ISD uses CSCOPE and I wrote this article: Lumberton ISD uses Liberal CSCOPE that teaches Allah is God and Boston Tea Party was Terrorism like 9/11
Right after I wrote that article, I went to the Lumberton School Board meeting and spoke to the School Board at the beginning of the meeting. I explained to the school board the problems with CSCOPE and asked them, at least, to have a hearing about CSCOPE and whether or not it should still be used at Lumberton ISD. The school board members did seem concerned and asked the Superintendent questions about CSCOPE. The Superintendent, John Valastro, assured the Board that the CSCOPE program was not used very much and they had not run into any issues with bad lessons getting taught by teacher.
Not even a month after I was assured at the LISD School Board meeting that there were no CSCOPE lesson problems at Lumberton ISD, I get emailed this article from WND with a picture of Lumberton ISD students in Burqas with quotes from students saying they were even told by the teacher that “we are going to change your perception about Islam” and the teacher in the Burqa lesson, according to a student, also said, “I do not necessarily agree with this, but I am supposed to teach you that we are not to call these people terrorists anymore, but freedom fighters.”
The lesson teaches that Burqas are just an alternative dress style that Muslims wear when in reality, women in Muslim countries are oppressed and FORCED to wear these Burqas or face even possibly death. At the end of class, the students were assigned to write a paper about Egypt. According to one student, they were instructed to discuss “how Egypt was a good country until democracy took over, and that things were finally corrected when the Muslim brotherhood came into power.”
I believe Mr. Valastro and do not think he or the School Board deceived me. I do think they probably being deceived though. I do believe there have been bad lessons that have not been brought to his attention and I believe some teachers use, and are even forced to use, CSCOPE lessons on a regular basis instead of just minimally. That is the problem with CSCOPE though. There is no transparency! Everything is online and there are thousands of lessons that teachers can pick to use without even having to get it approved. Some of these lessons ARE bad lessons. Even the Superintendent and the school board did not know about what was going on with CSCOPE at LISD. Hopefully, now that this Burqa incident has happened and will be on the news all across America, there will be some action taken regarding CSCOPE being taught at Lumberton ISD. Yes there are legislative fixes that should be coming this year, but until then, Lumberton ISD should really consider having a hearing or something to discuss CSCOPE being used at LISD and whether or not it should even be used anymore until the problems get fixed.
also read these related articles from the last couple of years:
This doesn't have anything to do with our history.. may have to do with our future though.. the future they want for us.
ReplyDeleteWhat is sad is they are not teaching the entire truth, but a skewed and oft times misleading version of the 'truth'. Yes, while some women 'choose' to wear the burqa...what is the alternative for not doing so? Damnation, hell, punishment, lashings, beatings, ridicule, and the list goes on. Some 'choice'! They say the women should wear them for their own protection...from possible rape or molestation. Apparently, they say these women, by simply showing their face or arms 'cause' a man to sin against them. Most times, the man is free from the consequences of his actions b/c the woman 'enticed' him. If you do any studying into this culture/religion abuse of women is rampant. Child brides, honor killings,disfigurement/mutilation, beatings, etc are all heinous offenses against women.
ReplyDeleteThis is Rediculous..what Next Shiria law..Muslims have Killed and mutilated women for Centuries is the History
ReplyDeleteThis is where our tax dollars go? This is BEYOND pathetic on so many levels. I would pull my kid from that school in a heartbeat and/or DEMAND this teacher be put on probation until they learn how to actually teach and not promote their own agenda on my child
ReplyDeleteOn the news all across the country??? I dont think so// The main stream media will not air it as it doesnt fit into our traitorour presidents agenda
ReplyDeleteTake it to the next level and have the instructors teach the right way to drag a cross to the station or explode on a bus. CSCOPE at LISD must be desolved not renamed as with the deception of Shiria .
ReplyDeletesend that teacher to there MUSLEUM brotherhood promis land
This I an Outrage. We cant teach our children about OUR God, His commandments to Us, His Son Jesus Christ Our Savior,, but Dayum Allah is Fine? And I suppose, if the Boston Tea Party was a Terrorist act, than George Washington was a Terrorist?.. who ARE these Dayumed people, the Muslims? We Need, as a Free Republic, BAN ALL acts of this Nature... It's WAY PAST the time for This Republic Of Texas, to Suceed.
ReplyDeleteThe Boston Tea Party was viewed as a terrorist act by the British and an act of protest by the patriots. So what? The Sons of Liberty were an underground group of resistance fighters (terrorists?) The Men of the Alamo were considered criminals and insurrectionists by Santa Anna. He was right about the insurrectionist belief. Before anyone goes ballistic, I am a Texican. I want secession. But we will be portrayed by the media, and much of the government as terrorists, racists, traitors...and so on. I'm OK with that. If any of you think secession will be a simple majority vote and then we're free, then you are wrong. Prepare yourself for the worst and remember that there are those who do not want secession and willbe the new Tory's, who our forefathers killed. Not a pretty picture, but our true Texas history demonstrates our determination when riled. Also, we are represented by politicians bth in Austin and DC. How many politicians do you trust?
ReplyDeleteWhat are y'all teaching our children
ReplyDeleteThere is only (((GOD))) NO OTHER!!!
Never give credit unto the enemy , Islam whats to bring death to christianity
ReplyDeleteThis Is America what in the Sam hell is going on. If American do not do something pretty damn quick it will be a Muslin country
ReplyDeleteOur so called president is muslin Got it!!!!
How about making your Muslim students read from the Bible while eating a pulled pork sandwich?
ReplyDeleteDiversity and multiculturalism swings both ways a-holes!!
I went to Lumberton and still live in SE Texas. I have many family members who live in Lumberton. Two of my cousins are teachers one of whom used to be an English and French Teacher at the Lumberton High School. I had heard them talking and triing to confirm what they heard about the new curriculum where they were to teach about the Koran. I am in no way racist (I believe it gets in the way of progress). That being said... When I was in 12th grade in Lumberton high they were "bringing in" the First black student after our Christmas break. Boy how far they have come.
ReplyDeleteThey day my children's school enforces this becomes the last day in public school.
ReplyDeleteIf the education establishment was teaching the basics of math,science, and English, instead of teaching cultural sensitivity , we would be much better off. Americans should concentrate on the American culture instead of subdividing the culture. Forcing ones culture on another does not promote cultural sensitivity, it divides us. We don't ask different cultures to check it at the door, but we should expect people who move here to embrace our culture and the reasons why they came here in the first place. Does the word assimilation come to mind?
ReplyDeleteDavid Bellows how tacky can you be not blurring out the minor's faces. One of them is my daughter. I suggest you do so or you will be contacted by my attorney within the hour.
ReplyDeleteI was sent the photo with the assumption that the parents wanted it to be posted to bring awareness to the issue. I sincerely apologize if you are one of the parents and wanted the faces blurred. When I found out I immediately changed the photo to blur out the faces. Thanks for taking a stand against this Islam lesson!
Deletei find this very disturbing i live in sour lake my husband lives and works in dubai and the first time i saw this over in the middle east i found it earie and disturbing and I SAW THIS FIRST HAND !!! THESE PEOPLE DO NOT LIKE AMERICANS AT ALL THEY MAKE ME SICK !!! why would they bring this to ours schools we are the greatest country in the world ..
Deletewanted everyone to know that when obama was re elected middle east thru a big party so to speak what does that they tell everyone !!
DeleteThis photo is unauthorized! Sites are being forced to blur out or take down ....Legal Issue. One of these are my daughter also. Everyone sharing will be legally responsible. I am asking you to remove photo.
ReplyDeleteI was sent the photo with the assumption that the parents wanted it to be posted to bring awareness to the issue. I sincerely apologize if you are one of the parents and wanted the faces blurred. When I found out I immediately changed the photo to blur out the faces. Thanks for taking a stand against this Islam lesson!
DeleteIn regards to the post " This photo is unauthorized!" It was mine and spoke with David and he is taking care of it. Thanks David.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the call. I removed the old picture and put the new one up with faces blurred.
DeleteLet me first say, IF you're going to represent America and our History PLEASE remember literature and SPELL CORRECTLY!!! I've been to Afghanistan and seen first hand that a woman's life isn't worth a COW!!! YES A COW IS MORE VALUABLE THAN A WOMAN!!! Now to get to the point here, our Country has become a very diverse mixture of cultures and as our " Fore Father's " said : every man is equal and we have to be able to allow people to practice their beliefs as they see fit. But in NO WAY DO I WANT MY GRANDCHILDREN BEING TAUGHT THAT WHAT HAPPENED AT THE BOSTON TEA PARTY AND 911 ARE THE SAME THING!!! In one a bunch of men dressed up as Indians and threw OVER TAXED tea into Boston Harbor, the other were TERRORIST EXTREMISTS who's ONLY goal is to KILL Innocent American ( as well as Foreign ) Citizens in an act of MASS MURDER!!! I believe in live and let live, if you want to speak in tongues while running around a room flopping all over the floor GO FOR IT, if you want to go to mass each Sunday GO FOR IT, if you want to bow down on a rug twice a day GO FOR IT, but don't push YOUR beliefs on me!!! Before anyone goes pointing fingers and laying blame go see it for yourself!!! We in America are a very domesticated civilization but, the Middle East, most of Africa, and many other places and cultures in the world still live in a lifestyle and time frame from over 1,000 YEARS ago!.. They don't know the difference, so I say : leave them to their beliefs but when " they " turn violent and try to subjugate those beliefs and ways of life on other FREE people, citizens, countries then I'll be one of the first to rise against them and stop the atrocities they commit EVERYDAY... WAKE UP PEOPLE, ITS NOT JUST OUR PRESIDENT ITS THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT!!! They work for US not the other way around as it is now... So stand up and make your voice heard!!! This LISD issue is just one place to start, the are other schools in the " Golden Triangle " that advertise CSCOPE programs as an attraction to enroll your children in their schools... Go to town meetings, talk to your Congressman, State Representatives, ETC. Only WE can make things change as a WHOLE, NOT ONE MAN, even though the " change " has already started by people blindly electing one man...
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt's sad how the media has skewed the events of this mishap. Aren't they who we are supposed to turn to for credible information? It's sad how they and even some of the parents of the town are misinformed about the situation.
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