Thursday, October 25, 2012

Graphic Middle School Sex Class Outrages Parents in Texas

By Todd Starnes of Fox News Radio:

Hundreds of Houston-area parents are outraged over a new sex education program that teaches 12-year-old children about oral, anal and vaginal sex – and uses graphic curriculum to instruct students on how to use condoms.

“We don’t need the school district showing the kids how to put on condoms,” said parent Christine Kalmbach. “This is very alarming.”

Kalmbach’s son is a seventh grader in the Cy-Fair Independent School District, a suburb of Houston. She was one of many parents who attended a school board meeting this week to voice her concerns about the graphic sex classes.

The new curriculum is called, “It’s Your Game, Keep It Real,” – a program that includes real-life scenarios about condoms. School officials did not return calls for comment – but they told parents that the program was selected because it has a proven record.

District officails told television station KTRK that the curriculum was approved by a subcommittee made up of a group of parents — and the school board unanimously approved it during summer break — when many parents and students were on vacation.

School officials told local reporters that parents were given the choice of opting their children out of the sex education class. However, a copy of the permission slip sent to parents does not give them that choice.

Middle-schoolers will begin taking the class in two weeks –but parents have launched a Facebook page that they hopes will persuade the district to delay the class.

Several parents told Fox News that the information booklets provided by the school district did not indicate the graphic nature of the classroom instruction nor did it mention the level of detail.

“I started looking at the curriculum and I got this sense of dread,” she said. “I thought, ‘oh my gosh, what is it that they are putting in front of our kids?"

Kalmbach said the videos include cursing and slang. The actors are dressed provocatively.

“It has heavy petting and making out – and this is the seventh grade curriculum,” she said.

Kevin Brewer has three children in middle school. He told Fox News that the material is simply not age appropriate.

read the rest of the story here:


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