Abortion is not an insignificant wedge issue. Abortion is
the murder of millions of innocent babies, and if Republicans do not defend our
most important values and principles then we will lose our Party and lose
elections. Pro Life Conservative Ted Cruz got more votes and won by a bigger
percentage than Sarah Davis in her own district so it is false to say we have
to support pro-abortion moderates like Sarah Davis in order to win in her
“swing district”
Bob Price even went as far as to say that he knows I am a
Christian, but me opposing Sarah Davis and saying she is for abortion is acting
un-Christian! So let me get this straight, voting to allow late term murders of
innocent little babies is ok, but if I write an article saying that someone voting
to allow late term abortions is wrong then I am the un-Christian bad guy? Price
went on to defend Sarah Davis by saying she is not necessarily pro-abortion
just because she is pro-choice (a ridiculous feel good line right out of the
Planned Parenthood deception playbook).
I know Bob Price and he is a conservative and we agree on
most issues. I will not hold a grudge and will of course move past this and
work with him, but for now I have to defend myself against his attack
Below, I will respond to every allegation that Bob Price
levied against me and I will prove that Sarah Davis is a pro-abortion RINO who
is worthy of opposition.
1) Bob Price questioned in his headline why I
was attacking Republican Pro-Abortion Sarah Davis and not attacking Democrat
Pro Abortion Wendy Davis.
If Bob were to visit my website or look at my Facebook or my Twitter pages he
would clearly see that I have made DOZENS of posts and comments in the last 2
weeks attacking pro-abortion Democrat Wendy Davis and the unruly Democrat mob.
Over 99 percent of the over 1000 articles on my website are against Democrats,
Liberals and Obama. Here are some examples of the many articles I have posted
on my website against Wendy Davis here & here & here & here & here & here. In fact, my most recent article on Texas GOP Vote is an article praising the Texas GOP as being the best party while
exposing the Democrats for their bad actions and bad values displayed over
the past few weeks.
Yes, every once in a while there is a need
to speak up and defend Republican values against even a Republican. Just
because someone claims to be a Republican does not mean they are automatically
off limits and can do what they want without being held accountable for their
actions. Sarah Davis is the only Republican fighting against these late term
abortion restrictions and I will not apologize for standing for life and
standing for our Platform.
2) Bob Price Claims that I am wrong for saying
that people who are pro-choice are not pro-abortion.
Being pro-choice is the same thing as being pro-abortion. Pro-Choice and
Pro-Reproductive Rights are nice terms that Planned Parenthood uses to make it
not sound bad when they advocate for allowing the genocide of millions of
innocent unborn babies. I never said Sarah Davis has killed any babies, but
yes, by voting AGAINST a ban on late term abortions, Sarah Davis has voted in
favor of allowing innocent late term babies to be torn apart and killed.
Sarah can say she is pro-choice but it is just deception. Does the baby who
gets killed have a CHOICE? NO! And what does Sarah even mean when she says is
pro-choice? Being pro-choice means she is for allowing people to choose to kill
innocent unborn babies. Voting to allow someone to have a choice to kill
their baby is voting in favor of allowing babies to be killed, and that is what
Sarah Davis has done. Use whatever fancy words you want but pro-choice is pro-abortion.
Think of how ridiculous it would sound if I applied Bob’s logic to other issues.
Nazis were not pro killing the Jews, they were just for Hitler having the right
to choose which race is better in order to create a perfect race. The KKK was
not for slavery, they just believed that people have a right to choose to
enslave, beat and kill other humans.
To be fair, Bob Price did talk to Sarah
Davis and she told Bob that she was not against the Texas 20 week abortion ban
if it included to protect the health of the mother. While I appreciate Bob
asking Davis the question and Davis responding, I cannot at all consider her
statement to be pro-life. The Texas bill already had an exemption for the life
of the mother, the health of the mother is something that right out of the
Planned Parenthood playbook that sounds good but goes beyond protecting the
mother’s life and would allow virtually any abortions after 20 weeks even if
there is a ban because health of the woman is so general it could give any
woman an exemption.
3) The truth is, Sarah Davis is not only
pro-abortion, but she is a well under 80 percent Republican RINO. She got
failing grades from all conservative organization rankings.
Bob Price says that Sarah Davis stands for
over 80 percent of Republican values and therefore I should ignore that she is
pro-choice and not criticize her for standing against life. Price is WRONG
about standing for the person over the values and he is wrong that Davis is
over 80% Republican. First of all, Price claims that Sarah Davis is a good Republican
other than being against life. He pulled that stat out of thin air because the
truth is that all the major conservative organizations gave her failing grades
after last session. Texas Eagle Forum
gave her 36% for mostly social issues, Texans for Fiscal Responsibility gave
her a C+ (below 80%) for fiscal issues, and Young Conservatives of Texas gave
her 61% for overall conservative rating. Her pro-abortion beliefs are even clearer.
She got a 100% rating from Planned
Parenthood. Sorry, but you do not get 100% from Planned Parenthood unless
you are absolutely 100 percent pro-abortion and in favor of everything Planned
Parenthood does and wants to do.
4) I agree that not everyone agrees 100% on
everything and we should still work together, but if we do not Stand for our
Republican Values then we will LOSE our Party and LOSE elections.
The Republican Party is not just about
getting anyone elected who will put an R behind their name. If that were the
case would you support Obama if one day he just decided to put an R behind his
name instead of a D? You see, the Republican Party is not just about numbers or
just about winning elections, the Republican Party is about a SET OF VALUES and
the goal of the Party is to promote that set of values and get people elected
who BELIEVE IN OUR REPUBLICAN VALUES. I too like Ronald Reagan’s 80% rule that
says if someone believes in 80% or more of Republican values then they are your
ally. I agree, and I work with and support candidates all the time that I do
not 100% agree with. That being said, having an over 80% ally does not mean you
just sit back and give a pass to someone who is for abortion just because they
are a fellow Republican. You can still call them out on that issue and work
with them on other issues. It is even ok to try to elect a better Republican to
replace them, especially is they are a RINO like Sarah Davis.
following the platform and not standing for our values is what is driving people
away from the Republican Party.
Abortion is an important issue and is a pillar of our Party foundation.
It is not just a wedge issue. The more the party tries to compromise our values
the more the base will run away from the Party. Romney lost because the
conservative base of the party did not show up to vote. They were not excited
about a wishy washy, seemingly moderate Romney. You may think widening the tent
by compromising on important values will help Republicans win but it will make
us lose because for every moderate we add there is more than one conservative
who we lose because they lose faith in the Party.
Davis does not have to be pro-abortion to win her district. Pro Life Ted Cruz
won in her district with a better percentage than her!
Ted Cruz got elected in her district with a
higher percentage than what she got. Cruz ran on pro-life platforms and they
did BETTER than pro-abortion Sarah Davis in her own district! In the 2012
election Cruz got 55.4%. Davis underperformed them with 54.6%.
5) Bob Price says the Republican Party of
Texas did not violate the Party Platform by giving money to Pro-Abortion
Candidate Sarah Davis.
Last time I checked, the thousands of delegates at the Republican State
Convention specifically put in the Party Platform a section that implores the
Party to NOT give ANY Party funds to candidates who are not pro-life. Anyone
with common sense would say that it is a clear violation of the platform, and
against the will of the delegates, for the Party to give money to a candidate
who is not pro-life. Price admits that the platform does call on the Party
to withhold funds from non pro-life candidates, but he says that really it is
up to the discretion of the Party. Really? Since when does the Party get to
pick and choose which parts of the platform to follow? Candidates can pick and
choose what they want I suppose but the PARTY officials are put in place by the
delegates to UPHOLD the Party Platform and rules.
The platform does go on to call on the
Party officials to make the platform pro-abortion money restriction an official
rule. The Party has not done so. I never said the Party violated a rule. I only
said they Party violated the platform, which they did when they gave money to a
pro-abortion candidate even though the Platform calls on them not to do so and
to make it an official rule not to do so.
6) I NEVER said the Texas GOP should oppose
Sarah Davis or support her Democrat opponent. I only said that the Party money
should have gone to many other more important races to support more
conservative, pro-life Republicans. Her race was not even that important in the
big picture compared to other races.
I never said someone could not give their
personal money to her race. I never said she Sarah Davis does not have the
right to run and does not have the right to believe how she wants to believe. I
only said that Party should follow the platform and not give Party money to
pro-abortion candidates.
The fact is though, with so many races, the
Party cannot and does not get involved in more than 90% or all races in Texas.
With limited funds and resources, the Party should focus on getting involved in
races where the Republican candidates uphold Republican values and where the
Republican winning is of most importance. There were there many other races
where the more conservative, pro-life Republican Candidates did not get help
from the Party but could have used it. There was NEVER a threat of Republicans
losing the strong majority in the Texas House. There is a big threat of
conservative Republicans losing the hold on the State Board of Education.
Hispanic Charlie Garza is a Republican State Board of Education member who lost
his seat to a Democrat. Garza needed the money in his race more than Davis.
Furthermore, Bob Price did not mention in his
article that I wanted to write an article about Davis last year, but he asked
me to hold off because it might help her Democrat opponent in the General
Election. Although I do not like Sarah Davis because of her beliefs, I did not
want her Democrat opponent to win so I decided to hold off until after she won
against her Democrat opponent and then I would expose her pro-abortion beliefs
before the next primary so that hopefully another Republican will beat her.
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