Friday, November 2, 2012

(VIDEO) Democrat Congressman Nick Lampson Gets Physical with Reporter in TX when Questioned about Voting with Pelosi

Former Democrat Congressman Nick Lampson, who is currently running for congress in the newly redrawn TX CD 14, has been caught on video getting violent with a reporter. You might even consider it an assault!

Lampson is in a hotly contested race with Conservative Republican Randy Weber.

This race is so important to the Democrats that former President Bill Clinton made a stop in Beaumont, TX a week ago to campaign for Lampson.

This video that has surfaced of Lampson getting violent is sure to be very damaging to Lampson's campaign in this tight race.

In the video, Nick Lampson was trying to explain that the United States Congress needs to be more bi partisan with both sides of the isle working together. That is when the reporter started really pressing Lampson about his own record of not working with the other side. The reporter was trying to get an answer from Lampson about why he voted with Nancy Pelosi a majority of the time while he was a Congressman.

That is when Lampson reached up and pushed the camera down and into the reporter, ad then the video goes off.

see the video yourself below:


  1. If you grab my camera I'll kick you in the nads!

  2. So, if you want civility in the House, as Lampson wants, don't ask tough questions or he'll smack you in your camera. What a hypocrite! And you guys want him as your Rep. Give me a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Randy Weber!!!

  3. Did Nick Lampson just assault that journalist? Wow!

  4. Say sayanora Lampson. You just blew your election. Well,at least you can blame it on Witch Pelosi!

  5. Actually thats not a journalist, thats a paid political hack of the Randy Weber Campaign.

  6. Any adult living in Texas should know that you cannot put your hands on another person like that. If Lampson didn't want to talk to that man he could have simply turned and walked away as there was nothing holding him back or blocking his exit. Regardless of who the camera person was the video shows a candidate who doesn't respect our law, doesn't have self-restraint, and showed extremely poor judgement in slapping the camera away instead of calmly terminating the interview and walking away without being violent.


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