Monday, September 30, 2013

Texas Right to Life Endorses Barry Smitherman for Attorney General

Barry Smitherman, Texas Attorney General Candidate, and current chairman of the railroad Commission, is one of the STRONGEST opponents of Abortion I have ever met. He is strongly pro-life and would vigorously defend the rights of the unborn to live and the pro-life laws in Texas. Smitherman is so pro life that he just just enthusiastically endorsed by Texas Right to Life.

Press Release below from the Smitherman Campaign:

Contact:  Jared Craighead
Monday, September 30, 2013

Texas Right to Life PAC Endorses Smitherman for Attorney General

AUSTIN – Today the Texas Right to Life Political Action Committee informed Barry Smitherman that it was endorsing his candidacy for Attorney General.  Texas Right to Life is the oldest, largest, and only statewide Pro-Life organization in Texas.  They are the Texas affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee with representation on their board of directors.

“The Texas Right to Life endorsement is such an honor for me and I’m so grateful for the work they do to protect life in our state,” said Barry Smitherman, Republican candidate for Attorney General.  “I always have and always will stand shoulder to shoulder with Texas Right to Life promoting Pro-Life policies and as Attorney General I will defend good Pro-Life pieces of legislation like HB-2 that are constantly under assault from radical pro-choice organizations.”

Barry Smitherman is an unwavering supporter of life and takes every opportunity to passionately speak in support of life.  On March 2, 2013, Barry spoke to the Texas State Republican Executive Committee about why it’s so important for our federal and state governments to protect life.

Texas Right to Life endorsement may be viewed at

More information about the Smitherman Campaign is available at


1 comment:

  1. What we need is an Attorney General who will stand strong on nullification against ALL of the unconstitutional federal "laws" that threaten Texas.
