Don't Forget TONIGHT 8PM Cruz VS. Dewhurst US Senate Debate
It is Debate Night in Texas! (Friday June 22nd, 2012) Watch Ted Cruz debate David Dewhurst tonight at 8:00 PM Central! Should be a good show.
The debate will live video stream online here: It will also be broadcast on other stations across Texas! Check your local listing here:
As you know, I (and just about all major conservative organizations and individuals) am supporting Ted Cruz for US Senator from Texas.
I believe that Ted Cruz is the better of the two.
The big thing that drew me to Cruz is the fact that he has stood for conservative values in the Supreme Court and has won! Everything seems to end up in the Supreme Court these days and it is very important, not just to have a conservative, but a conservative who can articulate and defend our conservative values all the way to the Supreme Court.
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