Monday, December 24, 2012

Holder's DOJ Blocks Texas ISD Election because More Whites than Blacks Voted

Eric Holder's Department of Justice Opposes a Beaumont Texas School District Election because too many white people voted, tries to block election using Voting Rights Act.

Beaumont, TX is a city where the majority of the residents are minorities. Beaumont ISD has a majority of school board members who are minorities. Minorities are WELL represented in this city and in this school district.

Recently, the residents of BISD voted to change the school board from being 7 single member districts to being 5 single member school districts with 2 at large districts. Something like this is not uncommon and it is completely within the rights of the citizens of the school district voters to decide what they want. The residents in BISD voted to make this change (keep in mind that the majority of voters in BISD are non-white). Something like this is good because it allows for 2 members of the school board to be elected by the entire school district. These two at large school board members can look out for the interest of the entire school district instead of having only single member districts where each member only looks out for the interest of their own district where they were elected. With an at large district you have someone who is not just looking out for one single member district and will be held accountable by the entire school district. This is kind of like how the Representatives in the Texas House do not just pass laws themselves for their own districts. Laws from the Texas Legislature pass through the Governor too, and the governor is elected by all the voters in the entire state of Texas and not just from one single district.

Well, along comes Eric Holder's Department of Justice and they say no to what the voters decided. One of the most absurd reasons the DOJ gives for opposing this change is that, according to them, most black people voted against the change and most white people voted for the change, and, because too many whites voted, the black's lost the election and it would therefore be discriminatory to make the change.

It is COMPLETELY UNCONSTITUTIONAL for the DOJ to oppose this change. It is racism to overturn a vote based on the race you align with not winning the legal, non-discriminating election. Can you imagine the uproar if an election was overturned because someone didn't like that too many black people voted? That would be racism right? There is a double standard when it comes to racism in America. I vote based on values regardless of whether or not the person I am voting on is white or black and I wish Eric Holder's DOJ would stop being racist and using color of skin as a factor in everything he does. Oh, and keep in mind that the majority of voters in BISD are minorities so a good chunk of them had to vote for the proposition for it to pass, and also remember that people's votes are secret and there is no way to know who voted for what and what the race of the voter is. I guess Eric Holder does not care about the black people who voted FOR the proposition. They must not be black enough, or cornball brothers, or Uncle Toms so they do not count as part of the black vote even though they are black.

The BISD School Board (mostly black) will likely not oppose Eric Holder's non-binding OPINION even though the board is obligated to stand for the vote of the people, and it would be breaking Texas State Law if they do not implement the 5-2 plan (Section 11.502 of the Tex. Education Code). Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott might have to step into this mess to straighten things out. Who knows, some of the board members could even be arrested and charged if they do not follow Texas Law and implement the plan approved by the voters of BISD.

This situation with the DOJ and BISD is just another example of why Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act is wrong, unconstitutional, and will likely get struck down very soon by the United States Supreme Court. The Voting Rights Act is facing challenges from several different states, including Texas who is challenging the Voting Rights Act over Eric Holder's DOJ rejection of the Texas Redistricting Maps.

BISD is known for being corrupt. The school district even recently voted to keep an electrical contractor on the payroll even though the contractor (Calvin Walker's Electrical Company) stole millions from the school district and was just convicted of tax fraud. In 2011, the Texas Legislature passed a law to prohibit school districts from using tax dollars to build a hotel. This law was specifically passed to prevent BISD from building a hotel that the school was looking into constructing with tax dollars. The former BISD Superintendent, Butch Carroll Thomas, was even the highest paid superintendent in Texas (annual base pay well over $350,000) even though BISD is only a medium sized school district compared to massive school districts like Houston ISD. Heck, the President of the United States only makes $400,000 (not including the millions of dollars the President spends in tax dollars every time he wants to fly somewhere to go golfing).

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