Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Rick Santorum Dropping Out of Race, Texas GOP SREC Members Still Pushing for Winner Take All

Rick Santorum has made the decision to drop out of the 2012 Republican Presidential race. I believe it has to do with tending to his ill daughter.

This does not affect the push to have an Emergency Texas GOP SREC Meeting to change our rules back to Winner Take All.

The push for Winner Take All has never been about Santorum for me. It has always been about not being bullied, making Texas relevant, and going back to the Winner Take All delegate plan that the Republicans in Texas voted to have at the State Convention.

David Bellow


  1. So...you're spending time/energy/money to fight to go to winner take all when pretty much only one candidate will get significant numbers of votes anyway.

    Whether you are anti-Romney or not, this doesn't give the impression that you are concerned about Texas' "relevance", it gives the impression that you are now worried about looking like you were only anti-Romney, and you are a little too proud to admit it.

    If you are really concerned about making Texas winner-take-all for all the reasons that you claim, it's too little too late for this election cycle. Focus on defeating Obama and get it done for next time around.

  2. Actually, if ther SREC stopped trying to do winner take all now that Santorum is out then you would come back and say that they were only doing it for Santorum. The only way the SREC can prove that they were not just doing this for Santorum is to keep pushing for winner take all even with Santorum gone. They are doing the right thing for Texas by going to winner take all

  3. Except it doesn't do a thing to make Texas more important. When there is only one serious candidate to vote on, it is irrelevant and a waste of time to call emergency meetings to try and change the state to winner take all at this point for this particular election.
