Monday, March 3, 2014

Federal Election Commission Complaint Alleges Ties Between Stovall and Cornyn to attack Stockman

A Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint has been filed against Senate candidate Dwayne Stovall for allegedly coordinating with Sen. Cornyn's campaign.  The speculation arose when Stovall mostly attacked Congressman Stockman rather than Cornyn who both Stockman and Stovall want out. This race is not a situation where you have to attack other conservatives in the race in order to make the runoff. The race is a race where there will not even be a runoff unless all the conservatives in the race go after the incumbent and draw enough votes from Cornyn to force the runoff. I like Stovall, but none of them are going to make a runoff if Stovall is only going after Stockman, who is a top conservative, instead of focusing on Cornyn, the real man that votes need to be taken from.

A leading Republican consultant who contacted me stated, "This strategy of attacking Congressman Stockman is really odd because if Stovall really believed that he would make it to a run off with Sen. Cornyn, he would need Stockman's support.  Instead, he is attacking Stockman, a popular Congressman from East Texas who won with an overwhelming vote two years ago."

Just last week, Stockman received an award for his 100% conservative voting record by the American Conservative Union (ACU), the most renown national conservative organization, and is endorsed by Jerome Corsi, senior commentator for

Ted Cruz and Congressman Stockman are the only Texas representatives in Washington to score 100% with ACU.  This follows Stockman's score from Heritage Foundation which also shows Cruz and Stockman the top two most conservative legislators from Texas. Also last year, the conservative New American rated Stockman 100%

The FEC complaint alleges that Stovall accepted an in-kind contribution from a known Cornyn supporter and did not report the funding on his FEC report. 

Stovall has accused Stockman of paying the Austin American-Statesman, a liberal newspaper, for their poll that has 5% margin of error and shows Stovall with less than 5% of the vote. 

"This accusation that Stockman is behind every poll showing Stovall losing is sheer insanity," said Dallas Stockman supporter Al Lee. "Stovall's allegations make it clear that he wants to blame others for his lag in the polls and that he can't accept responsibility for his own campaign. Making up polls and conspiracies is a hallmark of failing campaigns. Stockman has repeatedly turned the other cheek, but has taken note that Stovall can only praise Cornyn."


  1. Further proof of Stovall's inexperience. We don't need romper room representing Texas in DC.

  2. This, to me, seems inconisistent with what I see on Stovall's website.
    His ads are mostly against Cornyn. I was wondering why he wasn't attacking both of them. Everyone should look into this man's bio and issues, I think he sounds good.
    Have you seen Cornyn's commercials? Did we know he fought obama every day? haha. yea, right.
    I don't trust Stockman or Cornyn, Stockman was there once before and got voted out.
    Romper Room is what we have now, Stace.. IMO, of course.

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