Thursday, February 27, 2014

Dan Patrick Rising while under coordinated attack by opponents, Democrats and trial lawyer

Dan Patrick is rising in the polls. This has sent his opponents and also liberals into a frenzy. A strong conservative like Dan Patrick taking control of the Texas Senate would be devastating for the Democrats. They are out to attack Dan Patrick because they know he will be devastating to them if he wins and implements a more conservative agenda.

The following is a press release sent to me from the Dan Patrick campaign:

Contact:  Logan Spence
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Curtain Pulled Back to Reveal Opponents Working with Trial Lawyers
Dan Patrick under coordinated attack by opponents and Democrats

HOUSTON – Ethics reports filed yesterday reveal trial lawyers and Democrats have donated heavily to Texans for Accountability PAC and Jerry Patterson in an effort to defeat authentic conservative Dan Patrick.  Todd Staples and David Dewhurst are acting in concert, echoing the false attacks in statements and in advertising.

Texans for Accountability PAC finally had to come out of the shadows and reveal their financial supporters in an ethics report.  Not surprisingly, it shows that the PAC is funded by Trial Lawyers and Democrat donors [] who have already given Jerry Patterson nearly $100,000.

Texans for Accountability was created with the sole purpose of opposing Dan Patrick.  On a tip from a Democrat politician in Houston, Patterson attacked Dan Patrick on false claims about knowingly hiring illegal immigrants and helping them gain citizenship.  The facts turned out to be that Dan did not personally hire the worker and that the worker presented fraudulent documents in order to be hired.

The letter that Patterson accused Dan of sending to the federal government in order for the employee to gain citizenship turned out to be a handwritten letter documenting the workers years of service.  The letter was not addressed to anyone, does not provide any context for its purpose and is not signed or written by Patrick.

Joining the cabal, Todd Staples and David Dewhurst have echoed these false claims in newspapers and in their own recent commercials.  At the same time, both candidates deny their record of supporting or expanding social programs for illegal immigrants.  Now the Texas Democrat Party is actively pushing their voters to work against Dan.

“I reject the corrupt political games by opponents and I am shocked that they would work with trial lawyers and democrat donors for their personal gain,” said Patrick.  “I will continue to focus on my record and my conservative agenda and let my opponents suffer the consequences of an electorate that is tired of politics as usual.”


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