Friday, August 19, 2011

Black Republican Bill Calhoun Tells Minorities: It's Time to Let Go of Obama and the Democrats!

The following is a letter from Bill Calhoun, a Black Conservative Republican and the Chairman of the Texas Federation for Republican Outreach:

Dear Friend,

Often, leaders lead from behind then run to the front when they sense the movement of the people. This is especially true of so many of today's political leaders. Where are the political leaders who have the courage to lead from their convictions?

This week, the President, also known as The First Black President or The FBP, flew to Minnesota, rented an entire hotel to sleep overnight, then got up the next morning, boarded his Big Bad Black Bus aka The BBBB and rode a few miles on The Bus Tour aka as The BT.

However, The BT had no plans to stop in not even 1 "black" neighborhood, even though the FBP was onboard or was that Bill Clinton?

At the same time The BT was taking place, The Congressional Black Caucus aka The "CBC", was on its People's Tour aka The "PT" with plans to stop only in "black" neighborhoods. (Power To The People aka PTTP).

Are you with me so far? Okay!

So, when The PT got to Detroit aka "The Motor City" or MOTOWN for short, lead CBC'er Congresswoman Maxine "Maxie" Waters spoke to The People aka The Peeps. She wanted to get them to give her and the FBP some TLC aka Tender Loving Care.

But, The Peeps were in a foul mood and had no love to give, not to the CBC nor the FBP. Heck, they weren't even sure about this PT thing. They were just in a funk.

Their rent had not been paid, their electricity bills were overdue, and their mortgage had not been modified-- it was time to let the FBP know just how they felt!

However, Congresswoman Maxine "Maxie" Waters felt she could use her extensive speaking skills to calm The Peeps. Surely they still loved The FBP and for that reason, would understand why The CBC had not criticized him, right?

But, The Peeps wanted no part of this Grand Bargain aka as The GB and they felt like telling Congresswoman Maxine "Maxie" Waters where to stick that GB concocted by The CBC and The FBP. Ouch!

So, when Congresswoman Maxine "Maxie Waters finished her grand and eloquent speech, The Peeps had their own thing or two to say.

The moral of this story boys and girls is that The Peeps are always ahead of The Pimps even the Poverty Pimps aka Pee Pees.

Watch the video here.

Then when you're finished, go here to donate to our work.

Have a happy day!

Bill Calhoun

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