Saturday, July 2, 2011

Lumberton Republican Steve Thomas Appointed as Hardin County District Judge By Governor Perry

As expected, Lumberton Republican Attorney Steve Thomas has been Appointed as the Hardin County, Texas 365th District Judge by Governor Perry. The position had opened following the tragic death of Judge Britt Plunk. Steve Thomas was the obvious choice for the appointment due to him having recently been the only Republican candidate ever for this very same position and nearly winning in that recent election. Thomas will hold the position until Britt Plunk's unexpired term is up. At that point there will be a regular election for the position.

Steve Thomas is a good man and he is a very good choice for the position. Congratulations!

1 comment:

  1. Steve Thomas is an embarassmeNT to Kountze
    County as he doesnt know that the law is greater than politics.
