An anonymous source called me last week and informed me that Lumberton’s Hardin County Commissioner, Bobby Franklin, is knowingly employing a man to drive county trucks even though this county worker is facing his 3rd DWI. This source informed me that this man, who goes to trial later this month for his 3rd DWI, was never, and still has not been restricted from driving county vehicles. Even when his own personal vehicle had to have an ignition interlock system on it, the source says that this worker was still driving county vehicles without restriction.
After this call, I of course had to do some investigating and fact checking.
I found out that William “Bill” Roach works for Commissioner Franklin and Mr. Roach will be going to trial in Hardin County on July 25th, 2011 for his 3rd DWI arrest. Roach’s 3rd DWI incident occurred in August 2009. Roach was indicted in January 2010 but had his trial date pushed back and pushed back until July 2011. Commissioner Franklin is still allowing Mr. Roach to drive County Vehicles and is very possibly putting the taxpayers of Hardin County in harm’s way, at the expense of those very same taxpayers.
It seems like someone is killed or injured every day in Southeast Texas because of a drunk driver. Just last week 2 road workers were hit right here in Lumberton by a drunk driver.
I have no sympathy for anyone who drinks and drives and I am shocked that the tax dollars of Hardin County residents are going to pay a man to drive county vehicles even though this man is facing his 3rd DWI.
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