Men – Women – Black – White – Hispanic – Republican – Democrat
TX HB 3379, the Equal Parenting Bill, brings Texas together from all races and political beliefs to HELP KIDS and society. The people deserve a floor vote, but the bill will die if it doesn’t get a timely hearing.
Many Women Reps have said they will VOTE YES for this Equal Parenting bill including Dr. Alma Allen, Elizabeth Campos, Caroline Harris, and Terri Leo-Wilson. Don’t let the paid lobbyists Amy & Steve Bresnen SILENCE the voices of the many women who support equal parenting by denying these women, and men, a fair up or down floor vote. The people want and deserve a floor vote! Last session the Equal Parenting Bill was killed by a late hearing, and the lobbyists bragged about delaying the bills that would have hurt the income of their law practice (less fighting means less money). Surely kids and society are important enough to get a timely hearing. Equal parenting will eventually pass like in other states, and the lobbyists will go down in history as opposing kids by opposing the right for kids to see both fit parents equally. Let History show that you did not also oppose kids.
In a time of such great division in politics, TX HB 3379 is bringing both sides of the isle together to have a major positive impact on kids and on society. This is one of the most widely supported, most bi-partisan bills in the juvenile, justice, and family issues committee this Texas Legislative Session. This issue is not about politics, this issue is about the massive need to fix a broken system that is hurting children and incentivizing parents to fight in court. This is about creating equality and stability for children with both of their fit and loving parents after the parents break up. These bill authors represent millions of people who support the fact that kids need both parents in their lives equally if both parents are fit, willing, and able. All scientific and medical studies and experts agree that kids with equal parenting are more stable and healthier across all measurable metrics. More info on equal parenting and equal parenting bills is available at
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